BX9002.M37 C65 1997
The contribution of Presbyterianism to the Maritime Providences of Canada / |
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BX9002.M37 C65 1997eb
The contribution of Presbyterianism to the Maritime Provinces of Canada |
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BX9002.N5 H38 1996eb
The Chignecto Covenanters : a regional history of reformed Presbyterianism in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, 1827-1905 / |
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BX9031 .T445 2020
Beyond the Legacy of the Missionaries and East Indians : the Impact of the Presbyterian Church in the Caribbean / |
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BX9050 .O94
A further vindication of the dissenters from the Rector of Bury's unjust accusations wherein his charge of their being corupters of the word of God is demonstrated to be false and malicious ... / |
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BX9052 .A67 1646
The answer of the Assembly of Divines, by authority of Parliament now sitting at Westminster, unto the reasons given in to this assembly by the Dissenting Brethren of their not bringing in a model of their way and since published in print under the title of A copie of a remonstrance |
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BX9053 .B34
An answer to those qvestions propounded by the Parliament to the assembly of divines, touching jus divinum in matter of church-government wherein is clearly proved from Scripture, that the presbyterial government is jure devino, of divine institution, and according to the will and appointment of Jesus Christ. |
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BX9053 .H3 1646
A view of the nevv directory and a vindication of the ancient liturgy of the Church of England; in answer to the reasons pretended in the ordinance and preface, for the abolishing the one, and establishing the other. |
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Mistery Babylon the mother of harlots discovered her rise, and when, with many of her sorceries, with her merchants of divers orders, and ranks, and merchandize of divers sorts this many hundred years, also her last merchants, with their delicate merchandise discovered : in answer to a book tituled The directory for the publick worship of God through England, Scotland, and Ireland, which now is the chief traffick her last reformed merchants trades with, in all these nations / |
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BX9053 .L55 2023
John Lightfoot's journals of the Westminster Assembly / |
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BX9053 .M56 2012
The minutes and papers of the Westminster Assembly, 1643-1652 / |
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BX9053 .P965 1647r
Propositions concerning chvrch-goverment [sic] and ordination of ministers. |
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BX9053 .R4 1662
A brief account of ancient church-government with a reflection on several modern writings of the Presbyterians, (the Assembly of Divines their Jus divinum ministerii Anglicani, published 1654, and D. Blondel's Apologia pro sententia hieronymi, and others,) touching this subject. |
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BX9053 .S36 1679
The confession of faith, and the larger & shorter catechism, |
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BX9053 .S53 1646
The source, force, and course of excommunications conducing to the clearing of that seeming perplexed question, of and amongst the Assembly of Divines : where the seate of the power of excommunication is? resolved : whether in the churches of, and in monarchies, or in the Presbyterian : extracted out of the originalls in the Old Testament, as the radix, pursuing the New Testament, and so to the civill and cannon lawes, and their congruities with both / |
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BX9053 .V36 2017
God's ambassadors : the Westminster Assembly and the reformation of the English pulpit, 1643-1653 / |
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BX9053 .W47 1648
The reasons of the dissenting brethren against the third proposition, concerning presbyteriall government. Humbly presented. |
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BX9053 .W47 1652
The grand debate concerning Presbitery and independency by the Assembly of Divines convened at Westminster by authority of Parliament concerning first the assemblies propositions (with the proof of them from Scripture) concerning the presbiteriall government, secondly the Dissenting Brethrens reasons against the said propositions, thirdly the answer of the assemblies to those reasons of dissent / |
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Vanity fair and the celestial city : dissenting, Methodist, and evangelical literary culture in England 1720-1800 / |
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BX9055 .E5 1968
The English Presbyterians, from Elizabeth Puritanism to modern Unitarianism / |
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