Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX9055 .F3 | A fair character of the Presbyterian reformling's just and sober vindication of his observations upon the 30th of January, and the 29th of May, in defence of the reformer rack'd. Being an answer to J.G.G.'s new vile rant, and the Weekly Observator's invidious and false reflections on it. | 1 |
BX9055 .H3 2010 | English Presbyterianism, 1590-1640. | 1 |
BX9055 .H3 2011 | English Presbyterianism, 1590-1640 / | 1 |
The ordour and doctrine of the generall faste appointed be the generall assemblie of the kirkes of Scotland, halden at Edinburgh the 25. day of December. 1565. A true representation of Presbyterian government wherein a short and clear account is given of the principles of them that owne it, the common objections against it answered, and some other things opened that concern it in the present circumstances / |
2 |
BX9055 .J664 2012 | The elect Methodists : Calvinistic Methodism in England and Wales, 1735-1811 / | 1 |
BX9055 .J664 2012eb | The elect Methodists : Calvinistic Methodism in England and Wales, 1735-1811 / | 2 |
BX9055 .L59 1661 | [A lively] pourtraict of our new-cavaliers, commonly called Presbyterians. Clearly shewing, that his maiesty came not in upon their account. In a compendious narrative of our late revolutions. | 1 |
BX9055 .P32 2007 | Ministers and elders : the birth of Presbyterianism / | 1 |
BX9055 .R84 | A true representation of Presbyterian government wherein a short and clear account is given of the principles of them that owne it, the common objections against it answered, and some other things opened that concern it in the present circumstances / | 2 |
BX9056 .A57 | The humble address of the Presbyterians, presented to His Majesty, by Mr. Hurst, Mr. Chester, Mr. Slater, Mr. Oeakes, Mr. Roswell, Mr. Turner, Mr. Franklin, Mr. Deal, and Mr. Reynolds. With his most gracious answer. | 1 |
BX9056 .C65 1654 | Provocator provocatus. Or, An answer made to an open challenge made by one M. Boatman in Peters Parish in Norwich, the 13th of December, 1654. in a sermon preached there at a fast, in which answer these questions are spoke to. 1. Whether juridicall suspension of some persons from the Lords Supper be deducible from Scripture; the affirmative is proved. : 2. Whether ministeriall or privative suspension be justifiable; the affirmative also is maintained. : 3. Whether the suspension of the ignorant and scandalous be a pharisaicall invention; a thing which wiser ages never thought of, as Mr Boatman falsly affirmed. In opposition to which is proved, that it hath been the judgment and practice of the eminent saints and servants of Christ, in all ages, of all other reformed churches in all times ... / | 1 |
BX9056 .E53 | English Presbytery, or, An account of the main opinions of those ministers and people in England, who go under the name of Presbyterians | 2 |
BX9056 .G7 | Religion and learning. | 1 |
BX9056 (INTERNET) | The humble address of the Presbyterians, presented to the King | 1 |
BX9056 .R45 | Remarks on a paper sent by some eminent Presbyterians to the Congregational, as an expedient for peace | 2 |
BX9056 .S57 | The humble address of the Presbyterians, presented to the King by Mr. Hurst, Mr. Chester, Mr. Slater, Mr. Cox, Mr. Roswell, Mr. Turner, Mr. Franklin, Mr. Deal, and Mr. Reynolds with His Majesties gracious answer. | 2 |
BX9056 .W6 | The Quakers advice to the Presbyterians. Or Their evil practises against the now established government, being friendly admonitions to exhort them to loyalty and obedience. / | 1 |
BX9058.M36 A46 | Excommunicatio excommunicata, or, A censure of the Presbyterian censures and proceedings in the Classis at Manchester wherein is modestly examined what ecclesiastical or civil function [sic] they pretend for their new and usurped power : in a discourse betwixt the ministers of that Classis, and some dissenting Christians. | 1 |
BX9060 .B35 2008 | Presbyterians in Ireland : identity in the twenty-first century / | 1 |
BX9060 .B35 2008eb | Presbyterians in Ireland identity in the twenty-first century / | 1 |