Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX9060 .H66 2018 The Irish Presbyterian mind : conservative theology, evangelical experience, and modern criticism, 1830-1930 / 1
BX9060 .P747 2016 Presbyterian history in Ireland : two seventeenth-century narratives / 1
BX9061.A57 M56 2012 The minutes of the Antrim ministers' meeting, 1654-8 / 1
BX9061.U47 B76 1987 Ulster Presbyterianism : the historical perspective, 1610-1970 / 1
BX9061.U47 U47 2006 Ulster Presbyterians in the Atlantic world : religion, politics and identity / 1
BX9061.U47 W493 2013 The Presbyterians of Ulster, 1680-1730 / 1
BX9062.B3 N4 1999 Full circle : a story of Ballybay Presbyterians / 1
BX9062.C56 A98 1836i An authentic report of the Clough case taken by two note takers at the hearing in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, before the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Baron, the Hon. Baron Sir W.C. Smith, bart., the Hon. Baron Foster on Thursday 21 Friday, Friday 22, Thursday 28, Friday 29, and Saturday 30 April, Easter term, 1836 : the evidence carefully compared with the court copy of the depositions, and the extracts from the Synod of Ulster records, carefully examined with the original mss. : the judgment of the court, etc., etc. given in full / 1
BX9062.U58 W43 2013eb The Presbyterians of Ulster, 1680-1730 / 1
BX9070 .B3 1911 An historical account of the rise and development of Presbyterianism in Scotland / 1
BX9070 .H4 1856 History of the Church of Scotland. From the introduction of Christianity to the period of the disruption in 1843. 1
BX9070 .H66 1669 A survey of Naphtali. discoursing of the heads proposed in the the preface of the former : together with an examination of the doctrines of the Apolog. narration concerning the king's supremacy in and about ecclesiastick affairs, and the obligation of the Covenants. 1
BX9070 (INTERNET) The mother and the child A short catechisme or briefe summe of religion, gathered out of Mr. Cragges Catechisme, for the fitting of little children, for the publick ministery. With short, very comfortable and fruitfull meditations on the Lords Prayer. Together with other briefe and profitable meditations on the seuen penitentiall psalmes. 1
BX9070 .K57 1989 Patterns of reform : continuity and change in the Reformation kirk / 1
BX9071 1685 The declaration and apology of the Protestant people, that is, of the noblemen, barons, gentlemen, burgesses, and commons of all sorts now in armes within the kingdom of Scotland, with the concurrence of their true and faithfull pastors, and of severall gentlemen of the English nation joined with them in the same cause, for defence & reliefe of their lives, rights, and liberties, and recovery and reestablishment of the true Protestant religion, in behalf of themselves & all that shall joyn with and adhere to them. 1
BX9071 .B38 A vindication of the authority, constitution, and laws of the church and state of Scotland in four conferences, wherein the answer to the dialogues betwixt the Conformist and Non-conformist is examined / 2
BX9071 .B8 1673 A vindication of the authority, constitution, and laws of the church and state of Scotland In four conferences. Wherein the answer to the dialogues betwixt the Conformist and Non-conformist is examined. / 1
BX9071 .C29 1621 Quaeres concerning the state of the Church of Scotland. 1
BX9071 .C34 The true history of the Church of Scotland from the beginning of the Reformation unto the end of the reign of King James VI wherein, besides some touches of the civil state and alteration of affairs ... there is ... a series of the assemblies, and of the principal of their actings recorded, ... a full and plaine relation of the trials and troubles which the church did meet with ... / 1
BX9071 .C35 1678a The true history of the Church of Scotland, 1678. 1