Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX9071 .C47 Causes of a publike fast and humiliation appointed by the commission of the General Assembly to be kept in all the congregations of this Kirk upon the third Sabbath of September, in this yeer 1646. 2
BX9071 .C47 1650 Causes of a publike and solemn humiliation appointed by the commission of the General Assembly to be keeped through all the congregations of this Kirk upon the last day of Iune instant. Edinburgh, 21 June, 1650. 1
BX9071 .C48 Cavses of a solemn publick humiliation and fast appoynted by the Generall Assembly to be kept throughout all the congregations of the kingdom, upon the last Sabbath of this instant.
The protestation given in by the dissenting brethren, to the General Assembly July 21, 1652 reviewed and refuted ... /
BX9071 .C48 1639 The protestation of the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and of the noble-men, barrons, gentlemen, burrowes, ministers, and commons subscribers of the covenant lately made at the mercat crosse of Edinburgh the 18. of December 1638. 1
BX9071 .C48 1647 The commission of the General Assembly, having seriously considered the lamentable condition of the distressed people in Argyle, doe therefore recommend to presbyteries, that there be a charitable contribution for their present subsistance; for the speedy and effectuall collecting whereof, the letter following shall be sent in print to severall Presbyteries with all diligence, that they may apply themselves with all care, to contribute a present supply to the extream necessities of their afflicted brethren, according to the desire of the said letter. 1
BX9071 .C487 Causes of an humiliation appointed by the commission of the General Assembly to be observed through this whole Kirk on the last Sabbath of March, and first Sabbath of Aprile, 1653. 2
BX9071 .C58 The remonstrance of the Presbyterie of Sterling, against the present conjunction with the malignant party to the commission of the Kirk at St. Johnston. 2
BX9071 .C58 1659 A testimony and warning of the Presbyterie of Edinburgh, against a late petition tending (in the scope and designe thereof) to the overturning of the ordinances and truth of Christ in this Church, Octob. 5. Anno Dom. 1659. 1
BX9071 .C73 2017 The chair of verity : political preaching and pulpit censure in eighteenth-century Scotland / 1
BX9071 .C74 A description of the Church of Scotland with a word of reproofe to the priests, and teachers, and officers therein, for their many corrupt doctrines and practices, also a warning and a gentle invitation to all people, that lives under their tyrannicall government, to come to the truth ... : herein is their church made manifest ... : with an exhortation to all people to come out from amongst them ... / 2
BX9071 .D38 Ane dialog or [mu]tuall ta[lking betu]ix a [clerk] and [ane cour]teour, [co]ncerning [four parische kirks] till [a]ne minister ... 1
BX9071 .E74 The national covenant, or, The confession of faith, of the Kirk of Scotland subscribed at first by the Kings Majesty and his houshold, in the yeare 1580, thereafter by persons of all rankes in the yeare 1581, by ordinance of the Lords of the secret counsell, and acts of the General Assembly ... and now subscribed in the year 1638, by us, noblemen, barons, gentlemen, burgesses, ministers, and commons then undersubscribing ... and now ... subscribed again in the year 1639, by ordinance of Council and acts of General Assembly, the tenor whereof here followeth.
The national covenant, or, The confession of faith, of the Kirk of Scotland subscribed at first by the Kings Majesty and his houshold, in the yeare 1580, thereafter by persons of all rankes in the yeare 1581, by ordinance of the Lords of the secret counsell, and acts of the General Assembly ... and now subscribed in the year 1638, by us, noblemen, barons, gentlemen, burgesses, ministers, and commons then undersubscribing ... and now ... subscribed again in the year 1639, by ordinance of Council and acts of General Assembly ..
BX9071 .F62 The Church before the Covenants : the Church of Scotland, 1596-1638 / 2
BX9071 .F67 1684 Rectius instruendum, or, A review and examination of the doctrine presented by one assuming the name of ane [sic] informer in three dialogues with a certain doubter, upon the controverted points of episcopacy, the convenants against episcopacy and separation : wherein the unsoundnes, and (in manythinges) the inconsistency of the informers principles, arguments, and answers upon these points, the violence which he hath offred unto the Holy Scripture and to diverse authors ancient and modern, is demonstrat and made appear, and that truth which is after godlines owned by the true Protestant Presbyterian Church of Scotland asserted and vindicated.
Rectius instruendum, or, A review and examination of the doctrine presented by one assuming the name of ane [sic] informer in three dialogues with a certain doubter, upon the controverted points of episcopacy, the convenants against episcopacy and separation : wherein the unsoundnes, and (in manythinges) the inconsistency of the informers principles, arguments, and answers upon these points, the violence which he hath offred unto the Holy Scripture and to diverse authors ancient and modern, is demonstrat and made appear, and that truth which is after godlines owned by the true Protestant Presbyterian Church of Scotland asserted and vindicated.
BX9071 .G46 1638 Generall demands, concerning the late covenant propounded by the ministers and professors of divinitie in Aberdene, to some reverend brethren, who came thither to recommend the late covenant to them, and to those who are committed to their charge : together with the answeres of those reverend brethren to the sayd demands : as also the replyes of the foresayd ministers and professors to their answeres. 1
BX9071 G85 1617 Levi his complaint: or, The moane of the poore ministerie. 1
BX9071 .H64 1799 Extract of a journal of a second tour : from London through the Highlands of Scotland and the north western parts of England : with observations and remarks / 1
BX9071 (INTERNET) A vindication of the Church of Scotland being an answer to five pamphlets, the titles of which are set down after the preface /
The generall demands, of the reverend doctors of divinitie, and ministers of the Gospell in Aberdene, concerning the late covenant, in Scotland together, with the answeres, replyes, and duplyes that followed thereupon, in the year, 1638 : reprinted in one book, by order of Parliament.
A continuation of the historical relation of the late General Assembly in Scotland with an account of the commissions of that assembly, and other particulars concerning the present state of the church in that kingdom.
The good old way defended against the attempts of A.M. D.D. in his book called, An enquiry into the new opinions, (chiefly) propogated by the Presbyterians of Scotland : wherein the divine right of the government of the church by Presbyters acting in parity, is asserted, and the pretended divine right of the hierarchie is disproved, the antiquity of parity and novelty of Episcopacy as now pleaded for, are made manifest from scriptural arguments, and the testimony of the antient writers of the Christian-church, and the groundless and unreasonable confidence of some prelatick writers exposed : also, the debates about holy-days, schism, the church-government used among the first Scots Christians, and what else the enquirer chargeth us with, are clearly stated, and the truth in all these maintained against him : likewise, some animadversions on a book called The fundamental charter of Presbytery, in so far as it misrepresenteth the principles and way of our first reformers from popery, where the controversie about superintendents is fully handled, and the necessity which led our ancestors into that course for that time is discoursed /
The re-examination of two of the articles abridged To wit, of the communicants gesture in the act of receaving, eating, and drinking : and The observation of festivall dayes.
The history of the Church of Scotland, beginning in the year of our Lord 203 and continued to the end of the reign of King James the VI of ever blessed memory wherein are described the progress of Christianity, the persecutions and interruptions of it, the foundation of churches, the erecting of bishopricks, the building and endowing monasteries, and other religious places, the succession of bishops in their sees, the reformation of religion, and the frequent disturbances of that nation by wars, conspiracies, tumults, schisms : together with great variety of other matters, both ecclesiasticall and politicall /
Akolouthos, or, A second faire warning to take heed of the Scotish discipline in vindication of the first (which the Rt. Reverend Father in God, the Ld. Bishop of London Derrie published a. 1649) against a schismatical & seditious reviewer, R.B.G., one of the bold commissioners from the rebellious kirke in Scotland ... /
A dispute against the English-popish ceremonies, obtruded vpon the Church of Scotland Wherein not only our ovvne argumemts [sic] against the same are strongly confirmed, but likewise the ansvveres and defences of our opposites, such as Hooker, Mortoune ... Forbesse, &c. particularly confuted.
Generall demands concerning the late covenant propounded by the ministers and professors of divinitie in Aberdene, to some reverend brethren, who came thither to recommend the late covenant to them, and to those who are committed to their charge. Together with the answers of those reverend brethren to the said demands. As also the replyes of the foresaid ministers and professors to their answers.
The speach of the Kirk of Scotland to her beloved children
Rectius instruendum, or, A review and examination of the doctrine presented by one assuming the name of ane [sic] informer in three dialogues with a certain doubter, upon the controverted points of episcopacy, the convenants against episcopacy and separation : wherein the unsoundnes ... of the informers principles, arguments, and answers upon these points ... is demonstrat and made appear, and the true Protestant Presbyterian Church of Scotland asserted and vindicated.
The fundamental charter of Presbytery as it hath been lately established in the kingdom of Scotland examin'd and disprov'd by the history, records, and publick transactions of our nation : together with a preface, wherein the vindicator of the Kirk is freely put in mind of his habitual infirmities.
A continuation of the answer to the Scots Presbyterian eloquence dedicated to the Parliament of Scotland : being a vindication of the acts of that August assembly from the clamours and aspersions of the Scots prelatical clergy in their libels printed in England : with a confutation of Dr. M-'s postscript in answer to the former ... : as also reflections on Sir Geo. Mackenzy's Defence of Charles the Second's government is Scotland ... /
The banders disbanded, or, An accurat discourse solidly and plainly demonstrating how inconvenient, scandalous & sinfull it is, in the present circumstances of the Church of Scotland, for ministers of Christ there that they may obtain a pretended liberty to preach and administer the Sacraments ... to give bond to their present rulers, that they shall live peaceably ... and so discovering clearly the great unfaithfulness of the affirmative vote of the late meeting of ministers at Edinburgh (anno 1679), concerning the lawfullness of giving the bond then presented by the councill.
A short relation of the state of the Kirk of Scotland since the reformation of religion, to the present time for information, and advertisement to our brethren in the Kirk of England, /
Nazianzeni querela et votum justum, The fundamentals of the hierarchy examin'd and disprov'd wherein the choicest arguments and defences of ... A.M. ... the author of An enquiry into the new opinions (chiefly) propagated by the Presbyterians in Scotland, the author of The fundamental charter of presbytry, examin'd & disprov'd, and ... the plea they bring from Ignatius's epistles more narrowly discuss'd... /
The last blast of the trompet of Godis vvorde aganis the vsurpit auctoritie of Iohne Knox and his Caluiniane brether intrudit precheouris etc
Protesters no subverters, and presbyterie no papacie, or, A vindication of the protesting brethren, and of the government of the kirk of Scotland from the aspersions unjustly cast upon them, in a late pamphlet of some of the resolution-party, entituled, A declaration, &c. With a discovery of the insufficiency, inequality and iniquity of the things propounded in that pamphlet, as overtures of union and peace ... /
An apologeticall relation of the particular sufferings of the faithfull ministers & professours of the Church of Scotland, since August, 1660 wherein severall questions, usefull for the time, are discussed : the King's preroragative over parliaments & people soberly enquired into, the lawfulness of defensive war cleared ... /
A vindication of the authority, constitution, and laws of the church and state of Scotland in four conferences, wherein the answer to the dialogues betwixt the Conformist and Non-conformist is examined /
A vindication of the Church of Scotland being an answer to a paper, intituled, Some questions concerning Episcopal and Presbyterial government in Scotland : wherein the latter is vindicated from the arguments and calumnies of that author, and the former is made appear to be a stranger in that nation /
Reasons against the rendering of our sworne and subscribed confession of faith
Quæres concerning the state of the Church of Scotland
An ansvvere to M. I. Forbes of Corse, his peaceable warning
The reasons of a pastors resolution, touching the reuerend receiuing of the holy communion
The declinatour and protestation of the some some-times [sic] pretended bishops, presented in face of the last Assembly. Refuted and found futile, but full of insolent reproaches, and bold assertions
The remonstrance of the nobility, barrones, burgesses, ministers and commons within the kingdome of Scotland vindicating them and their proceedings from the crymes, wherewith they are charged by the late proclamation in England, Feb. 27. 1639.
An account of the late establishment of Presbyterian-government by the Parliament of Scotland anno 1690 together with the methods by which it was settled, and the consequences of it : as also several publick acts, speeches, pleadings, and other matters of importance relating to the Church in that kingdom : to which is added a summary of the visitation of the universities there in a fifth letter from a gentleman at Edinburgh, to his friend at London.
A true narration of all the passages of the proceedings in the generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, holden at Perth the 25. of August, anno Dom. 1618 vvherein is set downe the copy of his Maiesties letters to the said Assembly : together with a iust defence of the Articles therein concluded, against a seditious pamphlet /
A treatise of ruling elders and deacons in which, these things which belong to the understanding of their office and duty, are clearly and shortly set down /
The spirit of calumny and slander, examin'd, chastis'd, and expos'd, in a letter to a malicious libeller more particularly address'd to Mr. George Ridpath, newsmonger, near St. Martins in the Fields : containing some animadversions on his scurrilous pamphlets, published by him against the kings, Parliaments, laws, nobility and clergy of Scotland : together with a short account of Presbyterian principles and consequential practices.
The principal controversies between the litteral presbyters of the Kirk of Scotland, and the illuminated members of the Church of Christ, called Quakers· Truly collected, stated and opened, in a particular reply (herein specified) for general information and undeceiving the deceived. By an earnest contender for the most holy faith, which was once delivered to the saints. /
Scotlands warning, or, A treatise of fasting containing a declaration of the causes of the solemne fast, indyted to bee kept in all the Churches of Scotland, the third and fourth sundayes of this instant moneth of May Anno 1628.& the weeke dayes betwixt them, as they may be goodly keeped in Townes : together with a direction how to proceed in the religious obseruation of any soleme fast /
The spirit of popery speaking out of the mouths of phanatical-Protestants, or, The last speeches of Mr. John Kid and Mr. John King, two Presbyterian ministers, who were executed for high-treason and rebellion at Edinburgh, August the 14th, 1679 with animadversions, and the history of the Archbishop of St. Andrews his murder, extracted out of the registers of the Privy-Council, &c. /
A vindication of the Presbyterians in Scotland, from the malicious aspersions cast upon them in a late pamphlet, written by Sir George Mackenzie late Lord Advocate there, intituled, A vindication of the government in Scotland during the reign of King Charles II, &c
The history of the indulgence shewing its rise, conveyance, progress, and acceptance : together with a demonstration of the unlawfulness thereof and an answere to contrary objections : as also, a vindication of such as scruple to hear the indulged /
Joshua redivivus, or, Mr. Rutherfoord's letters divided into two parts, the first, containing these which were written from Aberdeen, where he was confined by a sentence of the high commission ... partly on account of his non-conformance : the second, containing some which were written from Anwoth ... /
Causes of the Lords wrath against Scotland manifested in his sad late dispensations. Whereunto is added a paper, particularly holding forth the sins of the ministery.
Informations, or, A protestation, and a treatise from Scotland Seconded with D. Reignoldes his letter to Sir Francis Knollis. And Sir Francis Knollis his speach in Parliament. All suggesting the vsurpation of papal bishops.
The history of Scotch-presbytery being an epitome of The hind let loose /
A defence of The vindication of the Church of Scotland in answer to An apology of the clergy of Scotland.
D. Bancrofts rashnes in rayling against the Church of Scotland noted in an answere to a letter of a worthy person of England, and some reasons rendred, why the answere thereunto hath not hitherto come foorth /
BX9071 .L364 2020 Cultures of Care: Domestic Welfare. 1
BX9071 .L47 A Letter from the west to a member of the meeting of Estates of Scotland 2