Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX9078 .G88 | A treatise of ruling elders & deacons in which these things which belong to the understanding of their office and duty are clearly and shortly set down / | 2 |
BX9078 .G88 1690 | A treatise of ruling elders & deacons. In which, these things which belong to the understanding of their office and duty, are clearly and shortly set down. / | 1 |
BX9078 .H4 1682 | A sermon preached by the learned Mr Alexander Henderson, before the sitting down of the General Assembly, begun the 12 of August 1639. | 1 |
BX9078 .H46 1643 | The government and order of the Church of Scotland with an assertion of the said government in the points of ruling elders and of the authortie of Presbyteries and Synods. Together with a postscript in answer to a treatise lately published against Presbyteriall government. | 1 |
BX9078 .H68 1694 | Mr Houstone,s [sic] answer: to, an, illegal excommunication. For owning the mediatory glory of Christ agains [sic] popery prælacy anarchy .. | 1 |
Some questions resolved concerning Episcopal and Presbyterian government in Scotland The humble addresse both of church and poore, to the sacred maiestie of Great Britaines monarch For a just redresse of the uniting of churches, and the ruine of hospitalls / An assertion of the government of the Church of Scotland in the points of ruling-elders and of the authority of presbyteries and synods with a postscript in answer to a treatise lately published against presbyteriall government. Episcopacie not abivred in His Maiesties realme of Scotland containing many remarkable passages newly pvblished, the contents of the severall chapters follow in the next page. The representation, propositions, and protestation of divers ministers, elders and professors, for themselves, and in name of many others, well-affected ministers, elders, and people in Scotland presented by the Lord Wareston, Mr. Andrew Cant, Mr. John Livingston, Mr. Samuel Rutherford and diverse others, to the ministers and elders met at Edinburgh, July 21, 1652. The dying man's testament to the Church of Scotland, or, A treatise concerning scandal divided into four parts ... : in each of which there are not a few choice and useful questions, very shortly and satisfyingly discussed and cleared / A dialogue betwixt Cosmophilus and Theophilus anent the urging of new ceremonies upon the kirke of Scotland Plain dealing being a moderate general review of the Scots prelatical clergies proceedings in the latter reigns : with a vindication of the present proceedings in church affairs there. A fair warning for England to take heed of the Presbyterian government of Scotland as being of all others the most injurious to the civil magistrates, most oppressive to the subject, most pernicious to both : as also the sinfulnesse and wickednesse of the covenant to introduce that government upon the Church of England / The Scots episcopal innocence, or, The juggling of that party with the late King, His present Majesty, the Church of England, and the Church of Scotland demonstrated together with a catalogue of the Scots Episcopal clergy turn'd out for their disloyalty ... since the revolution : and a postscript with reflections on a late malicious pamphlet entituled The spirit of malice and slander ... / An exhortation of the particular kirks of Christ in Scotland to their sister kirk in Edinburgh Presbyterial government described, or, A methodical synopsis of it, as it is professed and practized in the Church of Scotland gathered out of the confessions of faith, and other publick records of that church ... / The due right of presbyteries, or, A peaceable plea for the government of the Church of Scotland ... Canons and constitutions ecclesiasticall gathered and put in forme, for the governament of the Church of Scotland : Ratified and approved by his Majesties royall warrand, and ordained to be observed by the clergie, and all others whom they concerne. A peaceable and temperate plea for Pauls presbyterie in Scotland, or, A modest and brotherly dispute of the government of the Church of Scotland wherein our discipline is demonstrated to be the true apostolick way of divine truth, and the arguments on the contrary are friendly dissolved, the grounds of separation and the indepencie [sic] of particular congregations, in defence of ecclesiasticall presbyteries, synods, and assemblies, are examined and tryed / The government and order of the Church of Scotland |
16 |
BX9078 .L64 1661 | Cum bono deo. A remonstrance to the Godly party. Two maine quæries, which stand much usefull fo these our times. ... And a vindication of both. / | 1 |
BX9078 .M56 2016 | The minutes of the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale, 1648-1659 / | 1 |
BX9078 .M6 | Advertisement by Dr. Monro Presbyter of the Church of Scotland. | 1 |
BX9078 .M85 1986 | Episcopacy in Scotland : the history of an idea, 1560-1638 / | 1 |
BX9078 .P7 1651 | The protestation of diverse ministers against the proceedings of the late commission of the Church of Scotland. as also against the lawfulnesse of the present pretended Assembly. | 1 |
BX9078 .P746 1648 | The principall acts of the Generall Assembly conveened at Edinburgh, upon the first Wednesday of July the 12, of that moneth in the year, 1648. | 1 |
BX9078 .R52 | The Scots episcopal innocence, or, The juggling of that party with the late King, His present Majesty, the Church of England, and the Church of Scotland demonstrated together with a catalogue of the Scots Episcopal clergy turn'd out for their disloyalty ... since the revolution : and a postscript with reflections on a late malicious pamphlet entituled The spirit of malice and slander ... / | 2 |
BX9078 .S36 1678 | A proclamation anent keeping the dyets of the commission of the Kirk | 1 |
BX9078 .S43 1682 | A seasonable warneing [sic] to the poor persecuted Church of Scotland, or Dissuasive to all true non-con[for]mists, from sinful complying with, [b]eing of, and active submitting to abjured prelats, and their underlings, by hearing of them, any other way strenghening their hands to the overturning the work of reformation | 1 |
BX9078 .W5 1700 |
A sermon preached at Edinburgh, in the Parliament-House. November 17th. 1700 before his grace, James, Duke of Queensberry, his Majesties High Commissioner; and many of the nobility, barrons, burrows, members of the high court of Parliament, / A sermon, preached at Edinburgh in the Parliament-House, November 17th, 1700, before his Grace, James, Duke of Queensberry, his Majesties High Commissioner; and many of the nobility, barrons, burrows, members of the High Court of Parliament, / |
2 |
BX9079 .B58 | The man in the manse / | 1 |
BX9079 .C48 1651 | A discovery after some search of the sinnes of the ministers, because of which (as we conceive) the Lord is angry, and hath almost made his ministers and ordinances vile and contemptible. / | 1 |
BX9079 .E54 1688 | His majesties most gracious ansvver to the letter from the arch-bishops and bishops. To our right trusty and rightwelb[e]loved [sic] counsellors, the Lords Arch-bishops, and our right trusty and vvelbeloved, the bishops of our antient kingdom of Scotland. | 1 |
BX9079 .G88 | A humble acknowledgment of the sins of the ministery of Scotland | 2 |