Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX9079 .B58 The man in the manse / 1
BX9079 .C48 1651 A discovery after some search of the sinnes of the ministers, because of which (as we conceive) the Lord is angry, and hath almost made his ministers and ordinances vile and contemptible. / 1
BX9079 .E54 1688 His majesties most gracious ansvver to the letter from the arch-bishops and bishops. To our right trusty and rightwelb[e]loved [sic] counsellors, the Lords Arch-bishops, and our right trusty and vvelbeloved, the bishops of our antient kingdom of Scotland. 1
BX9079 .G88 A humble acknowledgment of the sins of the ministery of Scotland 2
BX9079 (INTERNET) Some remarks upon a late pamphlet, entituled, An answer to the Scots Presbyterian eloquence wherein the innocency of the Episcopal clergy is vindicated, and the constitution and government of our Church of Scotland defended, against the lies and calumnies of the Presbyterian pamphleters.
The true copy of the letter which was sent from divers ministers
A humble acknowledgment of the sins of the ministery of Scotland
BX9079 .O54 A letter of spirituall advice, written to Mr. Stephen Marshall in his sicknesse 2
BX9079 .P74 1690 The present state and condition of the clergy, and Church of Scotland 1
BX9079 .S36 1661 Act anent presentation of ministers. At Edinburgh, 18. June, 1661. 1
BX9079 .S36 1690 Act, restoring the Presbyterian ministers who were thrust from their church since the first of January, 1661. Edinburgh, the twenty fifth day of April 1690 years. 1
BX9079 .T6 1689 To his Grace, his Majesties High Commissioner; and to the right honourable, the Estates of Parliament, the humble address of the Presbiterian ministers and professors of the Church of Scotland. 1
BX9081 Charles I and the making of the Covenanting movement, 1625-1641 /
The declaration of the rebels in the very words as it was designed to have been put up by them at Glasgow, and was actually put up at Rugland.
BX9081 .A48 1836i The life and times of Alexander Henderson giving a history of the second reformation of the Church of Scotland, and of the covenanters, during the reign of Charles I / 1
BX9081 .A57 Answeres to the particulars proponed by His Majesties commissionar
An Answer to the declaration of the pretended assembly at Dundee and to a printed paper intituled The protestation given in by the dissenting brethren to the General Assembly, July 21, 1652, reviewed and refuted &c., in which answer are set down ten steps of their defection who follow the way of publick resolutions : together with observations upon some of the acts of the p. assemblies at Dundee and Edinburgh and some papers concerning the endeavors of the protesters for union with their brethren who differ from them in judgement.
An Answer to the declaration of the pretended assembly at Dundee and to a printed paper intituled The protestation given in by the dissenting brethren to the General Assembly, July 21, 1652, reviewed and refuted &c., in which answer are set down ten steps of their defection who follow the way of publick resolutions : together with observations upon some of the acts of the p. assemblies at Dundee and Edinburgh and some papers concerning the endeavors of the protesters for union with their brethren who differ from them in judgement.
BX9081 .B7 1600 A brief seasonable warning with some tymous remedies to ptevent [sic] the putrefing maladies of pur [sic] oresent [sic] distemper amongst all ranks of professors in Scotland. 1
BX9081 .B74 A Briefe narration of the carriage and successe of the English affaires in the hands of the commissioners for Scotland 2
BX9081 .C3 1681 A letter from Mr. Donald Cargill to his paroch of the Baronny Kirk in Glasgow. March the 27th 1681. 1
BX9081 .C5 A remonstrance of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland to their Presbyterian brethren now under persecution in England. : Found amongst the Earl of Lauderdales papers at Worcester. 1
BX9081 .C53 The Character of a true-Protestant ghostly father 2
BX9081 .C58 1648 The explanation of a former act of the sixth of October, 1648 for renewing of the Solemn league and covenant Edinburgh, 4 December, 1648. 2
BX9081 .C68 The Covenanter's catechisme, or, A Brief and familiar analysis & exposition of the Covenant first delivered in sundry sermons, to a particular congregation, and now resolved into questions and answers, for the more publike good, by the same author.
The Scottish Covenanters, 1660-1688 /