BX9084 .R63 2008
The courts, the church and the constitution : aspects of the disruption of 1843 / |
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BX9084 .S367 1993
Scotland in the age of the Disruption / |
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BX9099 .H585
The Scots worthies : containing a brief historical account of the most eminent noblemen, gentlemen, ministers, and others, who testified or suffered for the cause of reformation in Scotland from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the year 1688. |
1 |
BX9099 .S36 1846i
The Scots worthies containing a brief historical account of the most eminent noblemen, gentlemen, ministers, and others, who testified or suffered for the cause of reformation in Scotland, from the beginning of the sixteenth century, to the year 1688 / |
1 |
BX9099 .S4 1915
Fasti ecclesiæ scoticanæ : the succession of ministers in the Church of Scotland from the reformation / |
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BX9146 .A1 1606
The whole booke of Psalmes, |
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BX9151.K8 K57 1996
Protestants and the formation of modern Korean nationalism, 1885-1920 : a study of the contributions of Horace G. Underwood and Sun Chu Kil / |
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BX9151.K8 Y36 1997
Reformed social ethics and the Korean church / |
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The Bantu Presbyterian Church of South Africa : a history of the Free Church of Scotland mission / |
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BX9161 D86 2022eb
The Bantu Presbyterian Church of South Africa : a history of the Free Church of Scotland mission / |
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BX9162.G5 M64 2013eb
Enchanted Calvinism : labor migration, afflicting spirits, and Christian therapy in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana / |
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BX9162.K4 M3
The Presbyterian Church in Kenya : an account of the origins and growth of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa / |
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BX9162.N54 J64 1988
Of God and Maxim guns : Presbyterianism in Nigeria, 1846-1966 / |
1 |
BX9162.N6 J646 1988eb
Of God and Maxim guns : Presbyterianism in Nigeria, 1846-1966 / |
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Secularizing the Sacred. |
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BX9169.V36 W66 2006
Women in culture and church and other issues / |
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BX9171.C38 E58 2010
Entre calvinistes et catholiques : les relations religieuses entre la France et les Pays-Bas du Nord : XVIe-XVIIIe siècles / |
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The disputation concerning the controuersit headdis of religion haldin in the realme of Scotland, the zeir of God ane thousand, fyue hundreth fourscoir zeiris. Betwuix : the prætendit ministeris of the deformed Kirk in Scotland : and, Nicol Burne professor of philosophie in S. Leonardis college, in the citie of Sanctandrois, brocht vp from his tender eage in the peruersit sect of the Caluinistis, and nou be ane special grace of God, ane membre of the halie and Catholik kirk : Dedicat to his souerane the kingis M. of Scotland, King Iames the Saxt. |
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BX9171.L8 E4
Marburg revisited : a reexamination of Lutheran and Reformed traditions / |
1 |
BX9173 .C36
A sermon preacht at Selkirk upon the 29th of May, 1685 being the anniversary of the restoration of the royal family to the throne of these kingdoms / |
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