Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX9180 .R42 17xx A receipt how to make a right Presbyterian in two days. 1
BX9180 .R52 An answer to The Scotch Presbyterian eloquence in three parts. 2
BX9180 .R56 The Ripping-up of Sir John Presbyter's garment, or, The Ground-work of schism laid open to all true Protestant readers, &c 2
BX9180 .S65 Some remarks on a paper, entituled, The humble representation of the Presbyterians to His Grace, His Majesties high commissioner, and the estates of Parliament, May 30, 1695 wherein some errors of that party, their disingenuity, inconsistency with their own principles, and cruelty towards the ministers of the Church of Scotland, are clearly manifested. 2
BX9180 .W12 The Quakers advice to the Presbyterians, or, Their evil practises against the now established government being friendly admonitions to exhort them to loyalty and obedience / 2
BX9183 Ane shorte and generall confession of the trewe Christiane faith and religion, according to Godis word and actis of our Parliamentis, Subscriued be the Kingis Maiestie and his householde, with siudrie [sic] utheris. : To the glorye of God and good exemple of all men, at Edinburgh the twentie eyght day of Ianurie, the yere of God. Ane thousand, fyue hundreth, fourescore yeirs, and the fourtene yeir of His Maiesteis regne. 1
BX9183 1659 The confession of faith, first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminister. And now appointed by the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland to be a part of unformity in religion, between the Kirks of Christ, in the three kingdomes. 1
BX9183 .A4 The humble advice of the Assembly of Divines, now by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concerning a larger catechisme, presented by them lately to both Houses of Parliament, with the proofs thereof at large out of the Scriptures.
The humble advice of the Assemblie of Divines now by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concerning a shorter catechism: with the proofs thereof at large out of the Scriptures. /
The humble advice of the Assembly of Divines by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster; concerning a shorter catechisme, with the proofs thereof at large out of Scriptures.
BX9183 .A4 1654 The humble advice of the Assemblie of Divines now by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concerning a shorter catechism: with the proofs thereof out of the Scriptures. / 1
BX9183 .A4 1658 The confession of faith, together with the larger and lesser catechismes. 1
BX9183 .A4 1658b The confession of faith, together with the larger and lesser catechisms. 1
BX9183 .C4 1644 A challenge, by the divines of the army, to the divines of Sion-Colledge: concerning the league and covenant. 1
BX9183 .C5 Confession generale de la vraye foy & religion Chrestienne selon la parole de Dieu & les actes de nostre Parlement, signée par le roy & ceux de son conseil & maison, & plusieurs autres, a la gloire de Dieu & edification de tous.. 1
BX9183 .C58 The confession of the faith and doctrine beleeved and professed be the Protestantes of Scotland exhibited to the estatis of the same in Parliament, and be their publick votis authorized, as a doctrine grounded upon the infallible VVord of God.
A solemn league and covenant for reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happiness of the King, and the peace and safety of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland also, two speciall orders, viz. I. Concerning the taking of the League and Covenant in all churches and chappels in London and Westminster ..., II. Concerning divers lords, knights, gentlemen, colonels ... that are desirous to ... take the said League and Covenant.
BX9183 .C58 1581 The confession of faith of the Kirk of Scotland. Subscribed by the Kings Maiestie and his housholde, in the yeare of God 1580. With a designation of such acts of Parliament, as are expedient, for justifying the vnion, after mentioned. And subscribed by the nobles, barrons, gentlemen, burgesses, ministers, and commons, in the yeare of God 1638. 1
BX9183 .C6 1649 Confessio fidei in conventu theologorum authoritate parliamenti Anglicani indicto elaborata; Eidem parliamento postmodum exhibita; quin & ab eodem, deindèq; ab ecclesia Scoticana cognita & approbata. Unà cum catechismo duplici, majori minorique; E sermone Anglicano summa cum fide in latinum versa. 1
BX9183 .C6 1693 The confession of faith, and the larger and shorter catechisms first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. And now appointed by the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, to be a part of uniformity in religion, between the Kirks of Christ in the three kingdoms. Together with the directions of the General Assembly concerning secret and private worship: and the sum of saving knowledge, with the practical use thereof. 1
BX9183 .C6 1697 The confession of faith, and the larger and shorter catechisms first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. And now appointed by the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, to be a part of uniformity in religion, between the Kirks of Christ in the three kingdoms. Together with the sum of saving knowledge, and practical use thereof. 1
BX9183 .C68 The confession of faith, and The larger and shorter catechism, first agreed upon by the Westminster Assembly of Divines at Westminster. And now approved by the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, to be a part of uniformity in religion between the kirks of Christ in the three kingdomes.
The confession of faith and the larger and shorter catechism first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, and now approved by the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland ... : together with the Solemn League and Covenant of the three kingdoms.
BX9183 .C68 1652 The confession of faith, and the larger and shorter catechisms first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, and now appointed by the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, to be a part of uniformity in religion between the kirks of Christ in the three kingdomes. 2