Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX9183 .C68 1656 The confession of faith ; and, The larger & shorter catechism first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, and now approved by the General Assembly of the kirk of Scotland to be a part of uniformity in religion between the kirks of Christ in the three kingdoms : together with the Solemn League and Covenant of the three kingdoms.
The confession of faith ; and, The larger and shorter catechism first agreed upon by the Westminster Assembly of Divines at Westminster, and now approved by the General Assembly of the kirk of Scotland to be a part of uniformity in religion between the kirks of Christ in the three kingdoms.
BX9183 .C68 1658 The confession of faith together with the larger and lesser catechismes / 1
BX9183 .D53 1688 Truths victory over error, or, An abridgement of the chief controversies in religion which since the apostles days to this time, have been, and are in agitation, between those of the Orthodox faith, and all adversaries whatsoever, a list of whose names are set down after the epistle to the reader : wherein, by going through all the chapters of The confession of faith, one by one, and propounding out of them, by way of question, all the controverted assertions, and answering by yes, or no, there is a clear confirmation of the truth, and an evident confutation of what tenets and opinions, are maintain'd by the adversaries : a treatise, most useful for all persons, who desire to be instructed in the true Protestant religion, who would shun in these last days, and perillous times, the infection of errors and heresies, and all dangerous tenets and opinions, contrary to the word of God. 1
BX9183 (INTERNET) The confession of faith and the larger and shorter catechism first agreed upon by the Westminster Assembly of Divines at Westminster, and now approved by the General Assembly of the kirk of Scotland to be a part of uniformity in religion between the kirks of Christ in the three kingdoms. 1
BX9183 .R59 1985 Presbyterian creeds : a guide to the Book of Confessions / 2
BX9183 .R63 John Calvin versus the Westminster Confession. 1
BX9183 .S36 Act ratifying the confession of faith and settling Presbyterian church-government Edinburgh, the seventh day of June, 1690. 2
BX9183 .S36 1572 Confessio fidei et doctrinæ per ecclesiam reformatam regni Scotiæ professe exhibitæ ordinibus regni ejusdem in publicis Parliamenti (vt vocant) comitijs, & eorum com[m]uni co[n]sensu approbate vti certissimis fundamentis verbi dei innixe & co[n]sentaneæ 1
BX9183 .S36 1581 Ane shorte and generall confession of the trewe Christiane faith and religion, according to Godis Word and actis of our Parliamentis subscriued be the Kingis Maiestie and his householde, with sindrie vtheris, to the glorie of God and good example of men, at Edinburgh the twentie eyght day of Januarie, the yere of God ane thousand, fyue hundreth, fourescore yeres, and the fourtene yere of His Maiesteis regne.
Ane shorte and generall confession of the trewe Christiane fayth and religion, according to Godis Word and actis of our Parliamentis subscriued be the Kingis Maiestie and his housholde, with sindrie vtheries, to the glorye of God and good exemple of all men, at Edinburgh the twentie eyght day of Januarie, the yere of God, ane thousand, fyue hundreth, fourescore yeirs, and the fourtene yeir of His Maiesteis regne.
BX9183 .S36 1590 The confe[s]sion of faith, subscrived by the Kingis Maiestie and his houshold togither vvith the copie of the bande, maid touching the maintenance of the true religion, the Kingis Majesties person and estate, &c. : seuerally to be subscriued by all noblemen, barrons, gentlemen and otheris, according to the tenor of the acte of secret counsell, and commissionis therein contayned, as heirafter followeth. 1
BX9183 .S36 1596 A schort and general confessioun of the trevv Christian faith according to Goddis Word, and actis of our Parliamentis subscryuit be the Kingis Maiestie, his houshald, his nobilitie and haill estaitis of this realme, to the glorie of God, and gude exampill of all men, at Edinburgh the 20. day of Ianuarie, 1580, and 14. Zeir of his reigne. 1
BX9183 .S36 1638 The confession of faith of the Kirk of Scotland subscribed by the Kings Maiestie and his housholde, in the yeare of God 1580. With a designation of such acts of Parlament, as are expedient, for justefying the vnion, after mentioned. And subscribed by the nobles, barrons, gentlemen, burgesses, ministers and commons, in the yeare of God 1638.
The confession of faith of the Kirk of Scotland Subscribed by the Kings Majestie and his housholde, in the yeare of God 1580. With a designation of such acts of Parlament, as are expedient, for justefying the vnion, after mentioned. And subscribed by the nobles, barrons, gentlemen, burgesses, ministers and commons, in the yeare of God 1638.
The confession of faith of the kirk of Scotland, subscribed by the Kings Majestie and his housholde in the yeare of God 1580 with a designation of such acts of Parlament as are expedient for justefying the vnion after mentioned, and subscribed by the nobles, barrons, gentlemen, burgesses, ministers, and commons in the yeare of God 1638.
Confessio fidei ecclesiæ Scoticanæ
BX9183 .S36 1655 The confession of faith of the Kirk of Scotland 1
BX9183 .S6 What is Calvinism? 1
BX9183 .S64 1643 A solemne league and covenant, for reformation, and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the king, and the peace and safety of the three kingdoms of Scotland, England, and Ireland.
A solemn league and covenant for reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the King, and the peace and safety of the three kingdomes of Scotland, England, and Ireland
A solemne league and covenant for reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the king, and the peace and safety of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland
A solemn league and covenant for reformation, and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the King, and the peace and safety of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Also, two speciall orders: viz. I. Concerning the taking of the league and covenant in all churches and chappels in London and Westminster, upon the next Lords-day in the afternoon. II. Concerning divers lords, knights, gentlemen, colonels, officers, souldiers, and others, that are desirous to meet this present Friday in the forenoon, at Margarets-Westminster, and to take the said league and covenant.
A solemn league and covenant for reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the king, and the peace and safety of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland also, two speciall orders : viz. I. Concerning the taking of the league and covenant in all churches and chappels in London and Westminister, upon the next Lords-day in the afternoon, II. Concerning divers lords, knights, gentlemen, colonels, officers, souldiers, and others, that are desirous to meet this.
A solemn league and covenant for reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the king, and the peace and safety of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland also, two speciall orders : viz. I. Concerning the taking of the solemn league and covenant in all churches and chappels in London and Westminster, II. Concerning divers lords, knights, gentlemen, colonells, officers, souldiers, and others, that are desirous to meet upon Friday next in the afternoon, at Margarets-Westminster, and to take the said league and covenant : with a preamble concerning the excellent usefulnesse of the said covenant, made by a worthy member of the House of Commons.
A solemn league and covenant, for reformation; and defence of religion, the honour and happiness of the King, and the peace & safetie of the three kingdoms. Of Scotland, England, & Ireland.
A solemn league and covenant, for reformation, and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the King, and the peace & safety of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Also, two speciall orders: viz. I. Concerning the taking of the Solemn League and Covenant in all churches and chappels in London and Westminster. II. Concerning divers lords, knights, gentlemen, colonells, officers, souldiers, and others, that are desirous to meet upon Friday next in the forenoon, at Margarets-Westminster, and to take the said League and Covenant. With a preamble concerning the excellent usefullnesse of the said Covenant; made by a worthy member of the House of Commons. /
A solemn league and covenant for reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the king, and the peace and safety of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland also, two speciall orders : viz. I. Concerning the taking of the league and covenant in all churches and chappels in London and Westminister, upon the next Lords-day in the afternoon, II. Concerning divers lords, knights, gentlemen, colonels, officers, souldiers, and others, that are desirous to meet this.
A solemn league and covenant for reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the king, and the peace and safety of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland also, two speciall orders : viz. I. Concerning the taking of the solemn league and covenant in all churches and chappels in London and Westminster, II. Concerning divers lords, knights, gentlemen, colonells, officers, souldiers, and others, that are desirous to meet upon Friday next in the afternoon, at Margarets-Westminster, and to take the said league and covenant : with a preamble concerning the excellent usefulnesse of the said covenant, made by a worthy member of the House of Commons.
A solemne league and covenant for reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happynesse of the king, and the peace and safetie of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland
BX9183 .S64 1648 A solemn league and covenant for reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happiness of the King, and the peace and safety of the three kingdoms of Scotland, England and Ireland appointed to be renewed by the acts of the Commission of the General Assembly and the Committee of Estates of the sixth and fourteenth dayes of this moneth of October. 2
BX9183 .S65 1643 A solemn league and covenant for reformation, and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the King, and the peace and safety of the three kingdomes of Scotland, England, and Ireland. 1
BX9183 .W377 The humble advice of the Assembly of Divines now by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concerning a larger catechism /
The humble advice of the Assembly of Divines, by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concerning a confession of faith with the quotations and texts of Scripture annexed /
The humble advice of the Assembly of Divines, now by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concerning part of a confession of faith presented by them lately to both houses of Parliament.
BX9183 .W4 1649 The confession of faith, and the larger and shorter catechisme first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. And now appointed by the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, to be a part of uniformity in religion between the kirks of Christ in the three kingdoms. Together with the directions of the General Assembly concerning secret and private worship and the saving of knowledge, with the practical use thereof.
The confession of faith, and the larger and shorter catechisme, first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. And now appointed by the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, to be a part of uniformity in religion between the kirks of Christ in the three kingdomes.
The confession of faith, and the larger and shorter catechisme, first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, aAnd now appointed by the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, to be a part of uniformity in religion between the kirks of Christ in the three kingdomes. Together with The solemn league and covenant of the three kingdoms.
BX9183 .W4 1650 The confession of faith, and the larger and shorter catechisme, 1