Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX9184.A5 (INTERNET) A body of practical divinity consisting of above one hundred seventy six sermons on the lesser catechism composed by the reverend assembly of divines at Westminster : with a supplement of some sermons on several texts of Scripture /
An exposition of the assemblies catechism with practical inferences from each question as it was carried on in the Lords Days exercises in Dartmouth, in the first year of liberty, 1688 /
BX9184.A5 L9 1678 An explanation of the shorter catechism, compos'd by the assembly of divines at Westminster, 1647. With a plain, and familiar method of instructing the younger sort, in that catechism. Specially intended for governours of families; and humbly submitted to the candid judgment of the godly and judicious reader. / 1
BX9184.A5 L9 1688 An explanation of the shorter catechism, compos'd by the assembly of divines at Westminster. With a plain, and familiar method of instructing the younger sort, in that catechism. Specially intended for governours of families; and humbly submitted to the candid judgment of the godly and judicious reader. / 1
BX9184.A5 L93 The assemblies shorter catechism drawn out into distinct propositions, and proved by plain and pertinent texts of Scripture at large with short rules of direction for masters of families, how to use this book to the best advantage / 2
BX9184.A5 V5 1674 An explicatory catechism: or, An explanation of the Assemblies shorter catechism. Wherein all the answers in the Assemblies catechism are taken abroad in under-questions and answers, the truths explained, and proved by reason and Scripture; several cases of conscience resolved; some chief controversies in religion stated, with arguments against divers errors, useful to be read in private families after examination in the catechism it self; for the more clear and thorough understanding of what is therein learned. / 1
BX9184.A5 V5 1675 An explicatory catechism: or, An explanation of the Assemblies shorter catechism. Wherein all the answers in the Assemblies catechism are taken abroad in under-questions and answers, the truths explained, and proved by reason and Scripture; several cases of conscience resolved; some chief controversies in religion stated, with arguments against divers errors, useful to be read in private families after examination in the catechism it self; for the more clear and thorough understanding of what is therein learned. / 1
BX9184.A5 V5 1692 An explicatory catechism: or, an explanation of the Assemblies shorter catechism. Wherein all the answers in the Assemblies catechism are taken abroad in under-questions and answers, the truth explained, and proved by reason and Scripture; several cases of conscience resolved: some controversies in religion stated, with arguments against divers errors; useful to be read in private families, after examination in the catechism it self, for the more clear and through understanding of what is therein learned. / 1
BX9184.A5 .V56 An explicatory catechism, or, An explanation of the Assemblies Shorter catechism wherein all the answers in the Assemblies catechism are taken abroad in under questions and answers, the truths explained, and proved by reason and scripture, several cases of conscience resolved, some chief controversies in religion stated : with arguments aganst divers errors : useful to be read in private families, after examination in the catechism itself, for the more and clear and through understanding of what is therein learned / 1
BX9184.A5 W37 A body of practical divinity consisting of above one hundred seventy six sermons on the lesser catechism composed by the reverend assembly of divines at Westminster : with a supplement of some sermons on several texts of Scripture / 2
BX9184.A5 W55 A compleat body of divinity in two hundred and fifty expository lectures on the Assembly's Shorter catechism wherein the doctrines of the Christian religion are unfolded, their truth confirm'd, their excellence display'd, their usefulness improv'd contrary errors & vices refuted & expos'd, objections answer'd, controversies settled, cases of conscience resolv'd; and a great light thereby reflected on the present age. / 1
BX9184.A6 G76 A fiery pillar of heavenly truth shewing, the way to a blessed life : composed by way of catechisme, for the preservation of God's people from the spreading evills, and pernicious inchantments of papisme and other errors, for the detection of every mans condition, for the consolation of afflicted people, and for the direction of all sorts of persons to life eternall. 2
BX9184.A6 G76 1644 A fiery pillar of heavenly truth shewing the way to a blessed life : composed by way of catechisme, for the preservation of Gods people from the spreading evils, and pernicious inchantments of papisme and other errors, for the detection of every mans condition, for the consolation of afflicted people, and for the direction of all sorts of persons to life eternall / 2
BX9184.A6 G76 1645 A fiery pillar of heavenly truth shewing, the way to a blessed life : composed by way of catechisme, for the preservation of God's people from the spreading evills, and pernicious inchantments of papisme and other errors, for the detection of every mans condition, for the consolation of afflicted people, and for the direction of all sorts of persons to life eternall / 2
BX9184.A6 G76 1646 A fiery pillar of heavenly truth shewing the way to a blessed life : composed by way of catechisme, for the preservation of God's people from the spreading evils, and pernicious inchantments of papisme and other errors, for the detection of every mans condition, for the consolation of afflicted people, and for the direction of all sorts of persons to life eternall / 2
BX9184.A6 G76 1663 A fiery pillar of heavenly truth shewing the way to a blessed life : composed by way of catechism, for the preservation of Gods people from the speading evils and pernicious inchantments of papism, and other errours : for the detection of every mans condition, for the consolation of afflicted people, and for the direction of all sorts of people to life eternall / 1
BX9184 .C72 A short summe of the whole catechisme, wherein the question is proponed and answered in few words, for the greater ease of the common people and children. / 1
BX9184.L5 1695 Bp. Lighton's catechism for children 1
BX9184 .S26 Ane short catechisme conteyning the princi[pall] grounds of Christian r[eligion], quhilk quho neither will nor can learne, [are not to be admitted to the] Lords Supper. 1
BX9184 .S56 A shorte summe of the whole catechisme, wherein the question is proponed and answered in few wordes, for the greater ease of the commoune people and children. / 1
BX9185.A1 1617 The whole booke of Psalmes, in prose and meeter: truelie conferred with the Hebrew text. Heereunto is adjoyned an exact Kalendar, with the forme of baptisme, the Lords Supper, and marriage: and also morning and euening prayer: and many other godly prayers. Item after the Psalmes follow the X. Commaundementes, the beliefe, the Lordes prayer, the song of Moses, &c. in meeter. 1