Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX9225.W4 P65 George Whitefield and the Great Awakening / 1
BX9225.W4 P65 1973 George Whitefield and the Great Awakening 1
BX9225.W4 S74 1991 The divine dramatist : George Whitefield and the rise of modern evangelicalism / 1
BX9225.W463 C8 Hugh Wilson, a pioneer saint : missionary to the Chickasaw Indians and pioneer minister in Texas; with a genealogy of the Wilson family including 422 descendants of Rev. Lewis Feuilleteau Wilson, I. / 1
BX9225.W528 D42 2020 The religious formation of John Witherspoon : Calvinism, evangelicalism, and the Scottish Enlightenment / 1
BX9225.W64 G87 1995 James Woodrow (1828-1907) : scientist, theologian, intellectual leader / 1
BX9225.Y3 W6 The model pastor. The life and character of the Rev. Elisha Yale, D. D., 1
BX9225.Y53 I413 2012 Legacy and portrait of early church history in Korea : scholar minister Yi Won-Young / 1
BX9313 .E4 English Puritanism from John Hooper to John Milton /
Big media, big money : cultural texts and political economics /
BX9313 .R4 Tensions in American Puritanism. 1
BX9315 .B742 Christ and the covenant, the work, and way of meditation Gods return to the soul, or nation, together with his preventing mercy : delivered in ten sermons / 2
BX9315 .B742a Christ and the covenant the work and way of meditation. : Gods return to the soul, or nation; together with his preventing mercy. : Delivered in ten sermons, (viz.) 1. Christs personal excellencies, the object of our love. 2. Christ crucified, the object of our faith. 3. The new covenant of grace opened. 4. Christ the mediator of the new covenant. 5. The way and spirit of the new covenant, or New Testament. 6. The blood of sprinkling. 7. The sweetness and profitableness of divine meditation. 8. The work and way of this meditation. 9. Gods return to the soul and nation. 10. Preventing mercy. / 1
BX9315 .D47 1590 Maister Derings workes 1
BX9315.D9 S43 1633 The second and last part of the vvorkes of the late faithfull servant of God Daniel Dyke, Batchelour in Divinity viz., [brace] Sixe evangelicall histories, A commentary upon the epistle to Philemon, The schoole of affliction / 1
BX9315 .G73 1600 The second part of the workes of the reuerend and faithfull seruant of Iesus Christ, M. Richard Greenham, minister and preacher of the word of God. 1
BX9315 .M3 A discourse concerning earthquakes occasioned by the earthquakes which were in New England, in the province of Massachusetts Bay, June 16, and in Conecticot-Colony, June 22, 1705 / 1
BX9315.P37 Susanna's apology against the elders, 1659 Women Writers Project first electronic edition / 1
BX9315 .R36 1629 The workes of the famous diuine, Master Iohn Randall, late preacher of the word of God in little Escheape London containing I. Saint Pauls triumph, II. The necessitie of righteousnesse, III. The description of the fleshly lusts, IIII. The great mysterie of godlinesse, &c. / 1
BX9315 .R361 1629 The workes of the famous divine, master Iohn Randall, late preacher of the word of God in little Escheape Loudon [sic]: containing, I. Saint Pauls triumph. II. The necessitie of righteousnesse. III. The description of fleshly lusts. IIII. The great mysterie of godlinesse, &c. / 1
BX9315 .S54 The sermons of Mr. Henry Smith gathered into one volume whereunto is added, Gods arrow against atheists /
The sermons of Mr. Henry Smith gathered into one volume, printed according to his corrected copies in his life time : whereunto is added, Gods arrow against atheists.