Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX9315 .R36 1629 | The workes of the famous diuine, Master Iohn Randall, late preacher of the word of God in little Escheape London containing I. Saint Pauls triumph, II. The necessitie of righteousnesse, III. The description of the fleshly lusts, IIII. The great mysterie of godlinesse, &c. / | 1 |
BX9315 .R361 1629 | The workes of the famous divine, master Iohn Randall, late preacher of the word of God in little Escheape Loudon [sic]: containing, I. Saint Pauls triumph. II. The necessitie of righteousnesse. III. The description of fleshly lusts. IIII. The great mysterie of godlinesse, &c. / | 1 |
BX9315 .S54 |
The sermons of Mr. Henry Smith gathered into one volume whereunto is added, Gods arrow against atheists / The sermons of Mr. Henry Smith gathered into one volume, printed according to his corrected copies in his life time : whereunto is added, Gods arrow against atheists. |
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BX9315 .W37 | The sermons and treatises which have beene heretofore seuerally published: and are now newly reuised, corrected and augmented. / | 1 |
BX9318 |
An endeauour of making the principles of Christian religion, namely the Creed, the Ten Commandements, the Lords Prayer, and the Sacraments, plaine and easie tending to the more speedy instruction of the meanest capacities, and weakest memories : and for the making triall also of their understandings, who though they have attained some measure of saving knowledge, yet through the weaknesse of their abilities cannot expresse even that which they doe conceive / Englands warning-piece, or, Seasonable advice to the people of God in these dangerous and backsliding times held forth in XXII sermons / |
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BX9318 .B34 1624 | A short treatise contayning all the principall grounds of Christian religion, by way of questions and answers, very profitable for all men, but especially for housholders. | 1 |
BX9318 .B34 1630 | A short catechisme contayning the princples [sic] of religion : verie profitable for all sorts of people. | 1 |
BX9318 .B43 2019 | A critical edition of John Beadle's A journall, or diary of a thankfull Christian / | 1 |
BX9318.B43 M87 2013eb | A critical edition of John Beadle's A journall or diary of a thankfull Christian / | 1 |
BX9318 .B93 1624 | The marrow of the oracles of God. Or divers treatises, containing directio[n]s about six of the waightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life. | 1 |
BX9318 .C42 | A supplement to the several discourses upon various divine subjects | 2 |
BX9318 .D46 | A plaine exposition of the articles of our faith, by short questions and answeres for the vnderstanding of the simple | 1 |
BX9318 .D65 1641 | The dolefull lamentation of Cheap-side Crosse: or Old England sick of the staggers. Together with the hearty thanks which I Jasper Crosse hath lately returned to those noble-minded, and gentile-bred prentises thereabouts, for rescuing my honour from being ravished: especially to that Robert York, who was my chiefe protector at that time. | 1 |
BX9318 .D66 1626 | Vpon the pious life and blessed (but much deplored) death of that most truely reuerend, faithfull, painefull and profitable minister of Gods words, Mr: Rich: Stocke, pastour of Allhallowes in Breadstreet; where, for the space of 22. yeares, he had lived as a blessed beacon, and bright burning lampe of learning and sincere religion. In due memoriall of whose memorable vertues, his most loyally louing and ancient faithfull friend, G.D. hathg to his sorrowfull widow consecrated and dedicated this his mournefull monument; and thus estimated his great losse to be most instly lamented .. | 1 |
BX9318 .D68 | The Christian warfare wherein is first generally shewed the malice, power and politike stratagems of the spirituall ennemies of our saluation, Sathan and his assistants the world and the flesh, with the meanes also whereby the Christian may vvithstand and defeate them : and afterwards more speciallie their particvlar temptatiions, against the seuerall causes and meanes of our saluation, whereby on the one side they allure vs to security and presumption, and on the other side, draw vs to doubting and desperation, are expressed and answered : written especially for their sakes who are exercised in the spirituall conflict of temptations, and are afflicted in conscience in the sight and sense of their sinnes / | 1 |
Ohel or Beth-shemesh, a tabernacle for the sun, or, Irenicum evangelicum an idea of church-discipline in the theorick and practick parts, which come forth first into the world as bridegroom and bride ... by whom you will have the totum essentiale of a true Gospel-church state according to Christs rules and order left us when he ascended ... : published for the benefit of all gathered churches, more especially in England, Ireland and Scotland / The godly mans picture drawn with a scripture-pensil, or, Some characteristical notes of a man that shall go to heaven The works of George Swinnock, M.A containing these several treatises. |
3 |
BX9318.K42 1682 | Troposchēmalogia, tropes and figures, or, A treatise of the metaphors, allegories, and express similitudes, &c., contained in the Bible of the Old and New Testament to which is prefixed, divers arguments to prove the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures : wherein also 'tis largely evinced, that by the great whore, (mystery Babylon) is meant the Papal hierarchy, or present state and church of Rome : Philologia sacra, the second part : wherein the schemes, or figures in scripture, are reduced under their proper heads, with a brief explication of each : together with a Treatise of types, parables, & c, with an improvement of them parallel-wise / | 1 |
BX9318 .M38 |
Things to be looked for discourses on the glorious characters, with conjectures on the speedy approaches of that state which is reserved for the church of God in the latter dayes : together with an inculcation of serveral duties which the undoubted characters and approaches of that state invite us unto : deliverd unto the Artillery company of the Massachusetts colony, New England, at their election of officers for the year 1691 / Things to be looked for discourses on the glorious characters, with conjectures on the speedy approaches of that state which is reserved for the church of God in the latter dayes : together with an inculcation of several duties which the undoubted characters and approaches of that state invite us unto : deliverd unto the Artillery company of the Massachusetts colony, New England, at their election of officers for the year 1691 / |
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BX9318 .P34 1644 |
An endeavovr of making the principles of Christian religion, namely the Creed, the Ten Commandements, the Lords prayer, and the Sacraments, plaine and easie tending to the more speedy instruction of the meanest capacities, and weakest memories, and for the making triall also of their understandings, who though they have attained some measure of saving knowledge, yet through the weaknesse of their abilities cannot expresse even that which they doe conceive. An [e]ndeavour of [m]aking the principles of Christian religion, namely the Creed, the Ten Commandements, the Lords prayer, and the Sacraments, plaine and easie: [t]ending to the more speedy instruction of the meanest capacities, and weakest memories, and for the making triall also of their understandings, who though they have attained some measure of saving knowledge, yet through the weaknesse of their abilities cannot expresse even that which they doe conceive. / |
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BX9318 .P8 1651 | No power but of God, and yet a power in every creature, or, A word in season, to all men not void of grace, or deprived of reason wherein is held forth that the Almighty God is not wanting to us in impowering of us, but we are wanting to him, in not improving our talent for him ... / | 1 |