Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX9331 .W54 |
The troubles of Jerusalems restauration, or, The churches reformation represented in a sermon preached before the Right Honorable House of Lords, in the Abby Church Westminster, Novemb. 26, 1645 / Arts treasury containing many profitable extraordinary rareties, and curious inventions : in two parts. Arts treasury containing many profitable extraordinary rareties, and curious inventions : in two parts .. |
4 |
BX9333 |
PURITAN GENTRY the great puritan families of early stuart england. ELIZABETHAN PURITAN MOVEMENT. Puritans in conflict : the Puritan gentry during and after the civil wars / Puritanism and emotion in the early modern world / |
4 |
BX9333 .B72 | English Puritanisme. Containing the maine opinions of the rigidest sort of those that are called Puritans in the realme of England. / | 1 |
BX9333 .C35 1957 | Activities of the Puritan faction of the Church of England, 1625-33 / | 1 |
Your match would be here. | ||
BX9333 .C58 1984 | The Puritan gentry : the great Puritan families of early Stuart England / | 1 |
BX9333 .C59 1988 | Puritans in conflict : the Puritan gentry during and after the civil wars / | 1 |
BX9333 .C62 2013eb | Richard Bancroft and Elizabethan anti-Puritanism / | 2 |
BX9333 .C85 1996 | The culture of English Puritanism, 1560-1700 / | 1 |
BX9333 .D94 | The mystery of selfe-deceiving, or, A discovrse and discovery of the deceitfulnesse of mans heart | 2 |
BX9333 .G47 | The character of an old English-Puritane or non-conformist | 2 |
BX9333 .G47 1649 | The character of an old English Pvritane, or non-conformist | 2 |
BX9333 .G47 1672 | The character of an old English Puritan, or non-conformist | 2 |
BX9333 .G53 |
A briefe discourse of certaine points of the religion which is among the commõ sort of Christians, which may bee termed the countrie diuinitie with a manifest confutation of the same, after the order of a dialogue / A briefe discourse of certaine pointes of the religion which is among the commo[n] sort of Christians, which may bee termed the countrie diuinitie with a manifest confutation of the same, after the order of a dialogue / |
2 |
BX9333 .G53 1612 | A briefe discourse of certaine points of the religion which is among the common sort of Christians, which may be termed the countrey diuinitie with a manifest confutation of the same, after the order of a dialogue / | 1 |
BX9333 .G56 1654 | The close hypocrite discovered; or A true description of the life and person of Cap. Taylor in the City of Hereford Being a vindication of Mr. Rich Delamain, preacher in the said city and pastor of a congregated church in the said county; in answer to a scurrilous pamphlet entituled Impostor magnus. Faithfully related and published for the satisfaction of all good people. | 1 |
BX9333 .G85 1638 | A guide unto Sion. Or Certaine positions, concerning a true visible church. Wherein the nature of a true church is so plainely discribed, as all men may easily discerne the same from false assemblies. / | 1 |
Master Edmund Calamies leading case The Pvritanes impvritie, or, The anatomie of a Puritane of Separatist by name and profession wherein is declared the differences betwixt a true Protestant and a Pvritane, made manifest by the sincerity of the one and hypocrisie of the other : likewise the comelinesse and necessity of reverence used in the performing of the service of God, especially at the receiving of the sacrament / A discovrse concerning Puritans tending to a vindication of those, who unjustly suffer by the mistake, abuse, and misapplication of that name. English Puritanisme containing the maine opinions of the rigidest sort of those that are called Puritans in the realme of England / |
4 |
BX9333 .L38 1637 | A speech delivered in the Starr-chamber, on Wednesday, the XIVth of Iune, MDCXXXVII. At the censure, of [brace] Iohn Bastwick, Henry Burton, & William Prinn, concerning pretended innovations in the church. / | 1 |
BX9333 .M38 1694 | The righteousness of God through faith upon all without difference who believe In two sermons on Romans 3. 22. / | 1 |
BX9333 .N4 1837 | The history of the Puritans, or, Protestant non-conformists; from the reformation in 1517, to the revolution in 1688; comprising an account of their principles; their attempts for a farther reformation in the church, their sufferings, and the lives and characters of their most considerable divines / | 1 |