Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX9425 .A33 1692 An essay concerning church government out of the excellent writings of Calvin & Beza / 2
BX9425 .A5 The doctrines of ministerial order in the Reformed churches of the 16th and 17th centuries / 1
BX9425 .B6713 2007eb Theology of ministry : a Reformed contribution to an ecumenical dialogue / 1
BX9425 .D57 2010 Dire l'interdit : the vocabulary of censure and exclusion in the early modern Reformed tradition / 1
BX9425 .D57 2010eb Dire l'interdit : the vocabulary of censure and exclusion in the early modern Reformed tradition / 1
BX9425 (INTERNET) An essay concerning church government out of the excellent writings of Calvin and Beza / 1
BX9425 .S56 1994 Sin and the Calvinists : morals control and the consistory in the reformed tradition / 1
BX9426 .B84 1587 Sermonum decades quinque de potissimis Christianae religionis capitibus in tres tomos digestæ / 1
BX9426 .E42 1698 Sermons on special occasions and subjects ... 2
BX9426 .E64 An Epistle, or apologie of a true, and charitable brother of the Reformed Church in fauoure of Protestantes, papistes, & those of the Reformatio[n] for a more moderat course of proceeding in matters of religion by searchinge the Scriptures, & examining theire spirits for the sense, and true meaninge of them by a peaceable conference, & such easy meanes as weare practised in the apostolicall, and primitiue church for plantinge the faith, and rooting out of errour tending to vnitie of religion, loyaltie to the Kings Maiestie, increase of honoure to him & his posteritie, & good of the Commonwealth. 1
BX9426 (INTERNET) Sermons on special occasions and subjects ... 1
BX9426 .J36 1932 Sobrané Spisy / 1
BX9426.M6 C35 2008 Calvin for the third millennium
Calvin for the third millennium /
BX9426.P4 W67 1659 The workes of that late learned minister of God's Holy Word, Mr. William Pemble ... containing sundry treatises and expositions, before extant in severall tracts, and now gathered into one intire volumne. 2
BX9426 .S35 P74 2011 Predigten 1832. 1
BX9426.S38 I34 1607 Abrahami Sculteti Grünbergensis Silesii Idea concionum dominicalium ad populum Haidelbergensem habitarum / 1
BX9427 .B67 2008 God against religion : rethinking Christian theology through worship / 1
BX9427 .E34 1556 Ratio et forma pvblice orandi Devm, atqve administrandi sacramenta, et caet. Anglorvm ecclesiam, quæ Geneuæ colligitur, recepta / 1
BX9427 .L37 1565 Kirchenordnung wie die vnter dem Christlichen König auss Engelland Edward dem VI. in der Statt Londen, in der Niderlendischen Gemeine Christi, Durch Kön. Maiest. mandat geordnet vnd gehalten worden, mit der Kirchendiener vnd Eltesten bewilligung / 1
BX9427 .L57 Liturgia sacra, seu ritus ministerii in ecclesia peregrinorum profugorum propter Euangelium Christi Argentinæ. 1