Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX9439.T85 K57 1994 Between reformed scholasticism and pan-Protestantism : Jean-Alphonse Turretin (1671-1737) and enlightened orthodoxy at the Academy of Geneva / 1
BX9439.V52 B34 1635 The Italian convert, newes from Italy of a second Moses, or, The life of Galeacius Caracciolus the noble Marquesse of Vico containing the story of his admirable conversion from popery, and forsaking of a rich marquesdome for the Gospels sake / 2
BX9439.V52 B34 1668 The Italian convert, newes from Italy of a second Moses, or, The life of Galeacius Caracciolus, the Noble Marquesse of Vico containing the story of his admirable conversion from popery, and forsaking of a rich marquesdom for the Gospels sake : illustrated with several figures / 2
BX9439.V52 B3413 1663 The Italian convert, news from Italy of a second Moses, or, The life of Galeacius Caracciolus the Noble Marquesse of Vico containing the story of his admirable conversion from popery and foresaking of a rich marquesdome for the Gospels sake : illustrated with several figures / 2
BX9443 .M35 A magyar puritánusok harca a feudálizmus ellen / 1
BX9444 .G58 The lean years : a study of Hungarian Calvinism in crisis. 1
BX9444 .R48 A Magyar református egyház története / 1
BX9444 .R5 History of the Hungarian Reformed Church. 1
BX9444.2 .M87 2000 Calvinism on the frontier, 1600-1660 : international Calvinism and the Reformed Church in Hungary and Transylvania / 1
BX9449.Y68 A25 2011 Reformed thought : selected writings of William Young / 1
BX9450 .C37 Actes of the General Assembly of the Clergy of France, Anno Domini 1682. Concerning religion / 1
BX9450 .S6 Bulletin historique et littéraire /
Bulletin /
Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français.
BX9451 .H57 The History of the persecutions of the reformed churches in France, Orange and Piedmont, from the year 1655 to this time shewing by what steps, artifices, and perfidious practices they were destroyed : with a short account of the present condition of the Protestants in France and elsewhere, wherein are many remarkable passages never before printed. 2
BX9452 .E92 An Exact copy of the petition of the protestants in France to their sovereign Lewis XIV for redress of their present oppressions / 2
BX9452 .H3 1966 La France protestante : ou vies des protestants français qui se sont fait un nom dans l'histoire depuis les premiers temps de la réformation jusqu'à la reconnaissance du principe de la liberté des cultes par l'Assemblée nationale ; ouvrage précédé d'une notice historique sur le protestantisme en France, et suivi de pièces justificatives / 1
BX9452 .J87 Pastoral letters directed to the suffering Protestants of France, groaning under the cruel persecution of the bloody tyrant Lewis XIV wherin the sophistical arguments, and unspeakable cruelties, used by the papists, for making new converts, are laid open, and exposed to the just abhorrence of all true Christians / 1
BX9452 .P48 1697 The petition of the Protestants in France to their king upon account of the treaty of peace. 2
BX9453 .A3 1699 An account of the sufferings and dying words of several French Protestants, under this present persecution as it was received from the hands of several Protestant ministers, who arrived lately in England. 1
BX9453 .B46 1991 The Huguenot population of France, 1600-1685 : the demographic fate and customs of a religious minority / 1
BX9453 .B5 1882 Histoire ecclésiastique des églises réformées au royaume de France : publiée d'aprés l'édition de 1580 / 1