Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX958.C2 K88 1990 Studies in the history of medieval canon law / 1
BX958.C2 P46 1993 Popes, canonists, and texts, 1150-1550 / 1
BX958.C4 C37 La Cattedra lignea di S. Pietro in Vaticano / 1
BX958.C6 L47 1669 Il putanismo romano nuoamente ristampato con l'aggiunta d'un dialogo tra Pasquino e Marforio, sopra lo stesso sogetto & insieme con il nuovo parlatorio delle monache : satira comica di batassaro sultanini bresciano. 2
BX958.C6 L47 1670 Il putanismo di Roma, or, The history of the whores and whoredom of the popes, cardinals, and clergy of Rome discovered by a conclave of ladies convened for the election of a new pope / 2
BX958.C6 L47 1675 Il putanismo romano nuouamente ristampato con l'aggiunta d'vn dialogo tra Pasquino e Marforio, sopra lo stesso sogetto & insieme, con il nuouo parlatorio delle monache satira comica di Baltassaro Sultanini Bresciano. 1
BX958.F2 B6813 2001 The myth of Pope Joan / 1
BX958.F2 D6 1962 Die Papst-Fabeln des Mittelalters. : Ein Beitrag zur Kirchengeschichte / 1
BX958.F2 (INTERNET) Historia de donne famose, or, The Romaine iubile which happened in the yeare 855 Disputed lately, that there vvas a woman pope named Ione the eight, against all the Iesuites, by a Germaine, but especially against Rob. Bellarmine father of all controuersies, his treatise De Romano pontifico. lib. 3. cap. 24 / 1
BX958.F2 P37 1988 The female pope : the mystery of Pope Joan : the first complete documentation of the facts behind the legend / 1
BX958.F2 P6 Papa Ivanna: abo, IAk ︠zhinka bula Papo︠iu : istorychne opovidann︠ia / 1
BX958.F2 R56 Pope Joan : a romantic biography / 1
BX958.F2 R56 1960 Pope Joan : a romantic biography / 1
BX958.F2 R56 1961 Pope Joan / 1
BX958.F2 R87 2006 The afterlife of Pope Joan : deploying the Popess legend in early modern England / 1
BX958.F2 S73 1999 The legend of Pope Joan : in search of the truth / 1
BX958.F2 S73 1999b The legend of Pope Joan : in search of the truth / 1
BX958.F2 W6 The woman who was pope : a biography of Pope Joan, 853-855 A. D. / 1
BX958 .H64 Aviso a los de la iglesia romana sobre la indiccion del Iubiléo, por la bulla del Papa Clemente octavo. 1
BX958.H64 M37 1900 El año santo : pastoral del excmo. é ilmo. sr. Obispo de Oviedo al venerable clero y fieles de su Diócesis, con motivo de la Cuaresma. 1