Call Number (LC) Title Results
C11.7-1.2 International Morse code and conventional signals to be used for all general public service radio communication. 1
C11.7-1.3 Important events in radiotelegraphy. 1
C 11.7/2:Ab 2 International Radiotelegraphic Convention: List of abbreviations to be used in radio communication
International Radiotelegraphic Convention : List of abbreviations to be used in radio communication.
C 11.7/2:M 83 International Morse code and conventional signals to be used for all general public service radio communication
International Morse code and conventional signals to be used for all general public service radio communication.
C 11.7/2:R 11 Important events in radiotelegraphy
Important events in radiotelegraphy.
Important events in radiotelegraphy /
C 11.7/3: Radio service bulletin / 1
C 11.7/5:(date) Radio communication laws of U.S. and International Radiotelegraphic Convention: Regulations governing radio operators and use of radio apparatus on ship and on land 1
C 11.8: American documented seagoing merchant vessels of 500 gross tons and over / 1
C 11.8:917/12 to C 11.8:932/9 American documented seagoing merchant vessels of 500 gross tons and over 1
C 11.9:270 Instructions regarding refunds of tonnage taxes, navigation fines, penalties, forfeitures, exactions, and charges illegally, improperly, or excessively imposed
Instructions regarding refunds of tonnage taxes, navigation fines, penalties, forfeitures, exactions, and charges illegally, improperly, or excessively imposed.
C11.9-270 Instructions regarding refunds of tonnage taxes, navigation fines, penalties, forfeitures, exactions, and charges illegally, improperly, or excessively imposed. 1
C-12 Geology of anthracite in the southeastern part of the Mount Carmel quadrangle, Pennsylvania / 1
C-13 Geology of anthracite in the western part of the Ashland Quadrangle, Pennsylvania / 1
C 13:10:236 Standard frequency and time services of the National Bureau of Standards.
NBS frequency and time broadcast services.
C 13:30:9 Table of natural logarithms / 1
C 13. 48: 22/ Vols  
C 13.1: Research highlights of the National Bureau of Standards : annual report.
Annual report of the Director of the National Bureau of Standards for the fiscal year ended
Annual report of the National Bureau of Standards.
Annual report of the Director of the National Bureau of Standards for the fiscal year ended June 30 ..
C 13.1/7: FY ... programs and accomplishments.
FY ... programs and accomplishments
Annual report /
C 13.1/7-2: FY ... programs and accomplishments / 1
C 13.1/7-3: FY ... programs and accomplishments / 1