Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 13.10:350 Time and frequency : a bibliography of NBS literature published July 1955-December 1970 / 2
C 13.10:351 Analytical chemistry : key to progress on national problems /
Analytical chemistry: key to progress on national problems : proceedings /
C 13.10:352 World index of plastics standards / 1
C 13.10:353 The Menzel Symposium on Solar Physics, Atomic Spectra and Gaseous Nebulae in honor of the contributions made by Donald H. Menzel : proceedings of a Symposium held at the Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 8-9, 1971 / 1
C 13.10:354 Dental materials research /
Dental materials research ; proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Symposium /
C 13.10:355 Universal testing machine of 12-million-lbf capacity at the National Bureau of Standards / 1
C 13.10:356 Damage in laser materials : 1971 /
Damage in laser materials, 1971 : proceedings of a symposium /
C 13.10:357 The mechanisms of pyrolysis, oxidation, and burning of organic materials. : Based on invited papers and discussion / 1
C 13.10:358  
C 13.10:359 Metrology and standardization in less-developed countries : the role of national capability for industrializing economics /
Metrology and standardization in less-developed countries : the role of a national capability for industrializing economies; proceedings of a seminar held at Airlie House, Warrenton, Virginia, February 1-4, 1971 /
C 13.10:360 NBS 1971 annual report / 1
C 13.10:361 Performance concept in buildings : proceedings of a symposium, jointly sponsored by International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures (RILEM), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and International Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation (CIB), Philadelphia, PA., May 2-5, 1972. / 1
C 13.10:362 Chemical kinetics in the C-O-S and H-N-O-S systems : a bibliography : 1899 through June 1971. 1
C 13.10:363 Bibliography on atomic energy levels and spectra, July 1968 through June 1971 / 1
C 13.10:363 supp. 1 Bibliography on atomic energy levels and spectra, July 1971 through June 1975 / 1
C 13.10:363/supp.2 Bibliography on atomic energy levels and spectra : July 1975 through June 1979 / 1
C 13.10:363/supp.3 Bibliography on atomic energy levels and spectra / 1
C 13.10:364 Solid state chemistry /
Solid state chemistry ; proceedings /
C 13.10:365 Metric conversion card / 1
C 13.10:365/2