Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 13.38:8932 Some negative ions formed by electron attachment / 1
C 13.38:8933 Review of fabric flammability test methods / 1
C 13.38:8938 Report on Latin America travel : Part I - U.S. Agency for International Development (AID)-- Colombia Standards Institute Seminar Program, April 22, 1965 - June 12, 1965 Part II - Weights and measures activities, Colombia and Venezuela / 1
C 13.38:8939 Report on Latin American travel : Concerning : The participation by the National Bureau of Standards in the Standards Seminar sponsored by the Agency for International Development, held in Bogota, Colombia April 26, 1965 to May 7, 1965 / 1
C 13.38:8947 A laboratory test for measuring smoke from burning materials / 1
C 13.38:8950 Progress report April 1 through June 30, 1965 / 1
C 13.38:8957 Report on Latin America travel : concerning U.S. in the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT) meeting in Caracas, Venezuela / 1
C 13.38:8972 Earth temperature and thermal diffusivity at selected stations in the United States / 2
C 13.38:8975 Investigation of performance characteristics for sanitary plumbing fixtures / 1
C 13.38:8987 A study of the feasibility of development of computer based systems for semi-automated comparisons of building designs and regulatory code criteria : a computer-based code checking system / 1
C 13.38:9004 Progress report July 1 through September 30, 1965 : development of methods of test for quality control of porcelain enamels / 1
C 13.38:9014 Water permeability of latex emulsion coatings on concrete masonry / 1
C 13.38:9026 Dwelling unit burnout tests in Pratt Institute test building / 1
C 13.38:9028 Preliminary report on the thermodynamic properties of selected light-element and some related compounds : supplement to NBS reports 6297, 6484, 6645, 6928, 7093, 7192, 7437, 7587, 7796, 8033, 8186, 8504, 8628, and 8919. 1
C 13.38:9033 Effect of age difference of elements and long term storage on the flexural behavior of split beams / 1
C 13.38:9042 Development of methods of test for quality control of porcelain enamels : progress report October 1 through December 31, 1965 / 1
C 13.38:9056 Performance characteristics of exterior walls : progress report for period ending December 31, 1965 / 1
C 13.38:9067 Smoke produced by burning aircraft finish materials / 1
C 13.38:9301 Exposure test of porcelain enamels on aluminum : progress report, six months report / 1
C 13.38:9304 Roofing research : presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of American Military Engineers / 1