Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 13.46:1224 Computer software for the acquisition and treatment of calorimetric data / 2
C 13.46:1225 The parametric cost-revenue model (PAREC) for electronic message service systems /
The parametric cost-revenue model ("PAREC") for electronic message service systems /
C 13.46:1226 Application of a hard sphere equation of state to refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures / 1
C 13.46:1227 Force calibration at the National Bureau of Standards / 2
C 13.46:1228 A water bath blackbody for the 5 to 60 [degree] temperature range : performance goal, design concept, and test results /
A water bath blackbody for the 5 to 60C̊ temperature range : performance goal, design concept, and test results /
C 13.46:1229 Crystal data : version 1.0 database specifications / 1
C 13.46:1230 A precision programmable step generator for use in automated test systems /
A Precision programmable step generator for use in automated test systems /
C 13.46:1231 NBS reactor : summary of activities July 1985 through June 1986 / 1
C 13.46:1232 A description of NBS calibration services in mechanical vibration and shock / 2
C 13.46:1233 Requirements for the calibration of mechanical shock transducers / 2
C 13.46:1234 Thermodynamic properties of a geothermal working fluid : 90% isobutane-10% isopentane / 2
C 13.46:1235 NASA/NBS Standard Reference Model for telerobot control system architecture (NASREM) /
NASA/NBS standard reference model for telerobot control system architecture (NASREM) /
C 13.46:1235/989 NASA/NBS Standard Reference Model for telerobot control system architecture (NASREM) 1
C 13.46:1236 Electromagnetic scattering by a thick strip on a half-space / 2
C 13.46:1238 An interactive nonlinear least squares program /
An Interactive nonlinear least squares program /
C 13.46:1239 Solid-state voltage standard performance and design guidelines / 2
C 13.46:1240 NBS reactor : summary of activities July 1986 through June 1987 / 1
C 13.46:1241 The effect of cigarette characteristics on the ignition of soft furnishings /
The Effect of cigarette characteristics on the ignition of soft furnishings
C 13.46:1242 Improving the fire safety of cigarettes : an economic impact analysis /
Improving the fire safety of cigarettes an economic impact analysis /
C 13.46:1243 Thermodynamic properties of the alkaline earth metal hydroxides (MOH)
Thermodynamic properties of the alkaline earth metal hydroxides (MOH) I : literature citations /