Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 13.46:309 A bibliography of experimental saturation properties of the cryogenic fluids / 1
C 13.46:310 Attenuation of the ground wave of a low frequency electromagnetic pulse / 1
C 13.46:311 Computation of the permeability and permittivity of a relatively small ring sample in a toroidal coil / 1
C 13.46:313 On the effect of heavy ions on LF propagation, with special reference to a nuclear environment / 1
C 13.46:313-319 A numerical representation of CCIR report 322 : high frequency (3-30 MC/S) atmospheric radio noise data / 1
C 13.46:314 Stability of two-phase annular flow in a vertical pipe / 1
C 13.46:315 A method for obtaining the parameters of electron-density profiles from topside ionograms / 1
C 13.46:316 Solubility of solids in dense gases / 1
C 13.46:317 Boiling heat transfer for oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and helium / 1
C 13.46:318 A numerical representation of CCIR report 322 : high frequency (3-30 MC/S) atmospheric radio noise data / 1
C 13.46:319 Numerical values of the path integrals for low and very low frequencies / 1
C 13.46:319/ERRATA Numerical values of the path integrals for low and very low frequencies / 1
C 13.46:321 Spark planing damage in copper / 1
C 13.46:321-337 Spark planing damage in copper / 1
C 13.46:322 Surface tensions of normal and para hydrogen / 1
C 13.46:323 Refractive index and dispersion of liquid hydrogen / 1
C 13.46:324 Interference predictions for the instrument landing system / 1
C 13.46:325 Numerical simulation of ionospheric wave interaction experiments / 1
C 13.46:326 An atlas of solar flare effects in the ionosphere observed with a high-frequency Doppler technique, September 1960-December 1962 / 2
C 13.46:327 Significance of dimensionality in the spin wave theory of ferromagnetism / 1