Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
C 13.46:647 | Microwave attenuation measurement system : series substitution / | 1 |
C 13.46:648 | Thermophysical properties of nitrogen from the fusion line to 3500 R (1944 K) for pressures to 150,000 psia (10342 x 10⁵ N/m²) / | 1 |
C 13.46:649 |
The standards of time and frequency in the U.S. A. / The standards of time and frequency in the U.S.A. / |
2 |
C 13.46:650 | An evaluation of selected angular momentum, vortex shedding and orifice cryogenic flowmeters / | 1 |
C 13.46:651 | Scattering-matrix description and near-field measurements of electroacoustic transducers / | 1 |
C 13.46:652 | Development and construction of an electromagnetic near-field synthesizer / | 1 |
C 13.46:653 | The thermophysical properties of methane, from 90 to 500 K at pressures to 700 bar / | 1 |
C 13.46:654 | Electromagnetic noise in Robena No. 4 Coal Mine / | 1 |
C 13.46:655 |
Cryogenic refrigerators : an updated survey / Cryogenic refrigerators--an updated survey / |
2 |
C 13.46:656 | Standard time and frequency : its generation, control, and dissemination by the National Bureau of Standards / | 2 |
C 13.46:657 |
Calculated and measured S₁₁, S₂₁, and group delay for simple types of coaxial and rectangular waveguide 2-port standards / Calculated and measured S11, S21, and group delay for simple types of coaxial and rectangular waveguide 2-port standards / |
2 |
C 13.46:658 | Development of electric and magnetic near-field probes / | 1 |
C 13.46:659 | An earth-based coordinate clock network / | 1 |
C 13.46:660 | Molecular beam tube frequency biases due to distributed cavity phase variations / | 1 |
C 13.46:661 | Advances in the measurement of rf power and attenuation using SQUIDS / | 1 |
C 13.46:662 | A review of precision oscillators / | 2 |
C 13.46: 662 | A review of precision oscillators / | 1 |
C 13.46:663 | Characterization of a high frequency probe assembly for integrated circuit measurement / | 1 |
C 13.46:664 | Hydrogen-future fuel : a bibliography (with emphasis on cryogenic technology) / | 1 |
C 13.46:665 | A pyroelectric power meter for the measurement of low level laser radiation / | 1 |