Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 13.52:73 Guidelines for security of computer applications : category, ADP operations; subcategory, computer security. 1
C 13.52:74 Guidelines for implementing and using the NBS data encryption standard. 1
C 13.52:75 Guidelines on constructing benchmarks for ADP system acquisitions : category, ADP operations; subcategory, benchmarking for computer selection. 1
C 13.52:76 Guideline for planning and using a data dictionary system : category, software; subcategory, data management applications. 1
C 13.52:77 Guideline for planning and management of database applications : category, software; subcategory, data management applications. 1
C 13.52:78 Guideline for implementing advanced data communication control procedures (ADCCP) : category, hardware; subcategory, data transmission. 1
C 13.52:79 Magnetic tape labels and file structure for information interchange : category, software standard; subcategory, operating procedures. 1
C 13.52:80 Guide for the implementation of federal information processing standards (FIPS) in the acquisition and design of computer products and services. 1
C 13.52:81 DES modes of operation : category, ADP operations ; subcategory, computer-security. 1
C 13.52:82 Guideline for inspection and quality control for alphanumeric computer-output microforms : category, hardware ; subcategory, media. 1
C 13.52:83 Guideline on user authentication techniques for computer network access control : category, ADP operations; subcategory, computer security. 1
C 13.52:84 Microfilm readers : category, hardware standard; subcategory, computer output microfilm readers. 1
C 13.52:85 Optical character recognition (OCR) inks : category, hardware standard; subcategory, character recognition. 1
C 13.52:86 Additional controls for use with American National Standard code for information interchange : category, hardware standard : subcategory, interchange codes and media. 1
C 13.52:87 Guidelines for ADP contingency planning : category, ADP operations : subcategory, computer security. 1
C 13.52:88 Guideline on integrity assurance and control in database administration : category, software : subcategory, data management applications. 1
C 13.52:89 Optical Character Recognition (OCR) character positioning : category, hardware standard : subcategory, character recognition. 1
C 13.52:90 Guideline for optical character recognition (OCR) print quality : category: hardware standard, subcategory: character recognition. 1
C 13.52:91 Magnetic tape cassettes for information interchange, dual track Complementary Return-to-Bias (CRB) four-states recording on 3.81-mm (0.150-in) tape : category, hardware standard ; subcategory, interchange codes and media. 1
C 13.52:92 Guideline for standard occupational classification (SOC) codes : category-- data standards and guidelines, subcategory-- representations and codes. 1