C 13.52:60-1
I/O channel interface. |
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C 13.52:60-2
I/O channel interface : category-- hardware standard, subcategory-- interface. |
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C 13.52:61
Channel level power control interface. |
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C 13.52:61-1
Channel level power control interface : category, hardware standard : subcategory, interface. |
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C 13.52:62
Operational specifications for magnetic tape subsystems. |
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C 13.52:63
Operational specifications for rotating mass storage subsystems : category, hardware standard, subcategory, interface. |
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C 13.52:63-1
Operational specifications for variable block rotating mass storage subsystems : category--hardware standard, subcategory--interface / |
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C 13.52:63-1/SUPP
Additional operational specifications for variable block rotating mass storage devices / |
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C 13.52:64
Guidelines for documentation of computer programs and automated data systems for the initiation phase. |
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C 13.52:65
Guideline for automatic data processing risk analysis. |
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C 13.52:66
Standard industrial classification (SIC) codes. |
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C 13.52:67
Guideline for selection of data entry equipment. |
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C 13.52:68
Minimal BASIC : category, software standard; subcategory, programming language. |
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C 13.52:68-2
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C 13.52:69
FORTRAN : category, software standard; subcategory; programming language. |
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C 13.52:69-1
Fortran. |
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C 13.52:70
Representation of geographic point locations for information interchange : federal general data standard representations and codes. |
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C 13.52:70-1
Representation of geographic point locations for information interchange. |
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C 13.52:71
Advanced date communication control procedures (ADCCP) |
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C 13.52:72
Guidelines for the measurement of remote batch computer service : category, ADP operations; subcategory, computer performance management. |
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