Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 13.58:6758 Setup patterns for display measurements--version 1.0 1
C 13.58:6759 Final report of the "e-SRM committee" on the optimal delivery of services to customers for standard reference materials 1
C 13.58:6760 Evaluation of a fast, simplified computational fluid dynamics model for solving room airflow problems / 1
C 13.58:6761 User's guide for smokeview version 2.0 : a tool for visualizing fire dynamics simulation data / 1
C 13.58:6762 Standards of seismic safety for existing federally owned and leased buildings
Standards of seismic safety for existing federally owned and leased buildings /
C 13.58:6763 Benefits and costs of research a case study of construction systems integration and automation technologies in commercial buildings / 1
C 13.58:6766 Powder-matrix systems for safer handling and storage of suppression agents / 1
C 13.58:6768 A predictive ionization cross section model for inorganic molecules 1
C 13.58:6769 NIST centennial sessions 1
C 13.58:6770 An approach for measuring reductions in operations, maintenance, and energy costs for educational facilities
An approach for measuring reductions in operations, maintenance, and energy costs for educational facilities /
C 13.58:6771 An intelligent systems architecture for manufacturing (ISAM) a reference model architecture for intelligent manufacturing systems / 1
C 13.58:6773 Infrared absorptivity temperature dependence of gas phase methanol and sulfur dioxide 1
C 13.58:6774 Workshop on Fire Testing Measurement Needs proceedings / 1
C 13.58:6776 Thermal spray process reliability sensors and diagnostics : summary of a workshop held at National Institute of Standards and Technology / 1
C 13.58:6777 Model checkers in software testing 1
C 13.58:6778 Guidelines for NIST staff participating in voluntary standards developing organization's activities 1
C 13.58:6779 MEMS length and strain measurements using an optical interferometer /
MEMS length and strain measurements using an optical interferometer
C 13.58:6781 Natural ventilation review and plan for design and analysis tools
Natural ventilation review and plan for design and analysis tools /
C 13.58:6782 Admission, discharge, and transfer system protection profile (ADT-PP) (an ISO.IEC 15408 security protection profile for a healthcare IT application system) / 1
C 13.58:6783 Fire dynamics simulator (version 3) : technical reference guide / 1