C 13.58:7328/DRAFT
Security assessment provider requirements and customer responsibilities building a security assessment credentialing program for federal information systems : initial public draft / |
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C 13.58:7329
Healthcare standards landscape user guide / |
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C 13.58:7330
A collection of homes to represent the U.S. housing stock / |
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C 13.58:7331
Developing an analysis of threats to voting systems workshop summary, Hilton Washington DC North Hotel, Gatihersburg, Maryland, October 7, 2005. |
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C 13.58:7332
NCMC workshop report NCMC-9 : combinatorial methods for nanostructured materials / |
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C 13.58:7336
Influence of concentration and additives on R123/paraffinic material oil boiling heat transfer performance |
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C 13.58:7337
Personal identity verification demonstration summary |
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C 13.58:7338
Evaluation of fire models for nuclear power plant applications benchmark exercie #3 / |
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C 13.58:7339
Analysis of standards for lifecycle management of systems for US Army : a preliminary investigation / |
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C 13.58:7340
NIST intercomparison exercise program for organic contaminants in the marine environment : description and results of 2005 organic intercomparison exercises / |
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C 13.58:7341
An assessment of a possible bench scale screening protocol for predicting full-scale mattress fire behavior / |
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C 13.58:7342
Full-scale evaluation of positive pressure ventilation in a fire fighter training building |
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C 13.58:7345
Screening candidates for 30 nm Spheres / |
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C 13.58:7346
Studies of biometric fusion / |
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C 13.58:7347
Message validation with a semantic reasoning tool / |
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C 13.58:7348
Interprocess communication in the process specification language |
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C 13.58:7349
Users manual for Version 2.0 of the Cost-Effectiveness Tool for capital asset protection / |
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C 13.58:7350
Performance of a residential heat pump operating in the cooling mode with single faults imposed / |
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C 13.58:7352
NIST liquid hydrogen cold source |
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C 13.58:7354
Using semantic web methods to improve information resource quality |
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