Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 3.163/9: College curriculum support project update. 1
C 3.164: Highlights of U.S. export and import trade /
United States imports of merchandise for consumption.
U.S. exports.
C 3.164:100/ United States general imports and imports for consumption of merchandise / 1
C 3.164:110/ United States imports of merchandise for consumption.
United States imports for consumption of merchandise.
United States general imports of merchandise.
C 3.164:120/ United States imports of merchandise for consumption.
United States general imports of merchandise.
United States imports for consumption of merchandise.
C 3.164:125/ U.S. imports of merchandise for consumption. 1
C 3.164:125/ NOTICE Changes in presentation of U.S. import statistics, effective 1964 / 1
C 3.164:130/ U.S. general imports.
General imports, cotton manufactures.
General imports of cotton manufactures; country of origin and Geneva agreement category.
United States foreign trade.
General imports of cotton manufactures.
United States general imports of cotton manufactures : country of origin by Geneva agreement category.
C 3.164:135/ U.S. foreign trade.
U.S. imports.
U.S. general imports.
U.S. general imports and imports for consumption.
C 3.164:150/ U.S. general imports.
U.S. foreign trade.
C 3.164:155/ U.S. general imports.
U.S. foreign trade.
C 3.164:210/ U.S. imports for consumption & general imports.
U.S. imports for consumption and general imports.
U.S. imports.
U.S. foreign trade.
C 3.164:210/(DATE) U.S. imports for consumption & general imports. 1
C 3.164:231/ General imports of merchandise into the United States by air.
General imports into the United States by air.
C 3.164:232/ United States general imports of merchandise by air country of origin by commodity. 1
C 3.164:246/ U.S. imports for consumption and general imports.
U.S. foreign trade.
C 3.164:247/ U.S. imports for consumption. 1
C 3.164:350/ U.S. general imports. 1
C 3.164:380/ U.S. imports by air.
United States airborne general imports of merchandise.
C 3.164:390/ United States airborne general imports of merchandise. 1