Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 3.186/7-2:990-96/App. D U.S. population estimates by age, sex, race, and hispanic origin: 1990 To 1996... PPL-57 Appendix D: Civilian noninstitutional population... U.S. Department Of Commerce... (quarterly, from April 1, 1990 To January 1, 1996 and monthly form January 1, 1996 through January 1, 1997) 1
C 3.186/7-2:990-96/App. E U.S. population estimates by age, sex, race, and hispanic origin: 1990 To 1996... PPL-57 Appendix E: Resident population 65 years and over ... U.S. Department Of Commerce... (quarterly, from April 1, 1990 To January 1, 1997) 1
C 3.186/7-2:990-96/App. F U.S. population estimates by age, sex, race, and hispanic origin: 1990 To 1996. 1
C 3.186/7-2:990-96/Rev U.S. population estimates by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin 1990 to 1996 / 1
C 3.186/7-3: United States population estimates and components of change.
Estimates of the population of the United States and components of change.
C 3.186/7:993-9-1 Estimates of the population of the United States to September 1, 1993. 1
C 3.186/8: Population profile of the United States. 2
C 3.186/8:P-23/205 Population profile of the United States, 1999 : America at the close of the 20th century / 1
C 3.186/9: Households, families, marital status, and living arrangements ... advance report / 1
C 3.186/10: Fertility of American women, June 1994 /
Fertility of women in the United States.
Fertility of American women.
C 3.186/10:427 Fertility of American women, June 1987 / 1
C 3.186/10:986 Fertility of American women, June 1986 / 1
C 3.186/10:988 Fertility of American women, June 1988 / 1
C 3.186/10:990 Fertility of American women, June 1990 / 1
C 3.186/10:992 Fertility of American women, June 1992 / 1
C 3.186/10:995 Fertility of American women : June 1995 (update) / 1
C 3.186/10:998 Fertility of American women, June 1998 / 1
C 3.186/11: Money income and poverty status of families and persons in the United States. 1
C 3.186/12: School enrollment in the United States.
School enrollment in the United States, social and economic characteristics of students.
School enrollment, social and economic characteristics of students.
School enrollment in the United States social and economic characteristics of students /
School enrollment, social and economic characteristics of students /
C 3.186/12-2: School enrollment, social and economic characteristics of students ... advance report / 1