C 3.186:P-20/328
Persons of Spanish origin in the United States, March 1978 : (advance report) / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/329
Persons of Spanish origin in the United States, March 1977 / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/330
Fertility of American women : June 1978 (Advance report) |
1 |
C 3.186: P-20/331
Geographical mobility : March 1975 to March 1978 / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/331-339
Relative progress of children in school : 1976 / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/332
Voting and registration in the election of November 1978 (advance report) |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/334
Demographic, social, and economic profile of states : Spring 1976 / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/335
School enrollment, social and economic characteristics of students : October 1978 (advance report) |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/336
Population profile of the United States, 1978 / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/337
Relative progress of children in school : 1976 / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/338
Marital status and living arrangements : March 1978 / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/339
Persons of Spanish origin in the United States : March 1978 / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/340
Household and family characteristics : March 1978 / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/340-350
Household and family characteristics : March 1978 / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/341
Fertility of American women, June 1978 / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/342
Travel to school : October 1978 / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/343
Vocational school experience : October 1976 / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/344
Voting and registration in the election of November 1978 / |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/345
Households and families by type : March 1979 (advance report) |
1 |
C 3.186:P-20/346
School enrollment - social and economic characteristics of students: October 1978 / |
1 |