C 3.223/12:80-S 1-9
1980 census of population. |
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1980 census of population. 1980. |
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1980 census of population. |
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1980 census of population. |
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1980 census of population. |
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1980 census of population. |
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1980 census of population. |
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1980 census of population. |
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1980 census of population. |
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1980 census of population. |
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1980 census of population. |
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1980 census of population. |
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1980 census of population. |
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1980 census of population. |
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Population of standard metropolitan statistical areas: 1960 and 1950. |
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1960 census of population : Birthplace and country of origin: 1960. |
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1970 census of population. : Population of standard metropolitan statistical areas 1950 to 1970; supplementary report. |
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Lifetime and recent migration by educational attainment for the United States, 1970. |
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Characteristics of Negro immigrants to selected metropolitan areas, 1970. |
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Interstate migration by state : 1970 / |
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