Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 4.19:193/2 Manual of plane-coordinate computation / 1
C 4.19:194 Manual of traverse computation on the Lambert grid /
Manual of traverse computation on Lambert grid.
C4.19..194 Manual of traverse computation on Lambert grid. 1
C 4.19:195 Manual of traverse computation on transverse Mercator grid. 1
C4.19..195 Manual of traverse computation on transverse Mercator grid. 1
C 4.19:196 Manual of tide observations. 2
C4.19..196 Manual of tide observations. 1
C 4.19:196/2 Manual of Tide Observations, Revised (1941) Edition. 2
C4.19..196_2 Manual of Tide Observations, Revised (1941) Edition. 2
C 4.19:196/941 Manual of tide observations. 1
C 4.19:197 Practical air navigation and the use of the aeronautical charts of the Department of Commerce /
Practical air navigation and use of aeronautical charts of Department of Commerce.
C4.19..197 Practical air navigation and use of aeronautical charts of Department of Commerce. 1
C 4.19:197/2 Practical air navigation and use of aeronautical charts of Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1
C4.19..197_2 Practical air navigation and use of aeronautical charts of Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1
C 4.19:197/3 Practical air navigation and use of aeronautical charts of Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1
C4.19..197_3 Practical air navigation and use of aeronautical charts of Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1
C 4.19:197/938 Practical air navigation and the use of the aeronautical charts of the U.S. Coast and geodetic survey / 1
C 4.19:197/939 Practical air navigation and the use of the aeronautical charts of the U.S. Coast and geodetic survey / 1
C 4.19:198 First- and second-order triangulation in Tennessee : (1927 datum) /
First-and second- -order triangulation in Tennessee, 1927 datum [surveying method]
C4.19..198 First-and second- -order triangulation in Tennessee, 1927 datum [surveying method] 1