Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 41.22:T/11029 Frost resistance in tree species = Morozostoikostʹ drevesnykh rastenii / 1
C 41.22:T/11030 Experimental chemical control of field mice = (Opyt khimicheskoi borʹby s smyshani) / 1
C 41.22:T/11031 Tapping with application of a sulfuric-acid paste in the Karelian A.S.S.R. = (Podsochka s primeneniem sernokislotnoi pasty v usloviyakh Karelʹskoi ASSR) / 1
C 41.22:T/11032 The larch fly (Chortophila laricicola Karl) as a larch seed pest = (Listvenichnaya mukha (Chortophila laricicola Karl) kak vreditelʹ semyan listvennitsy) / 1
C 41.22:T/11034 Plantation of seedlings of wood species under electric illumination = (Vyrashchivanie seyantsev drevesnykh porod pri elektricheskom osveshchenii) / 1
C 41.22:T/11035 Transmission of excitation by electric current in plants = O peredache razdrazheniya elektricheskim tokom u rastenii / 1
C 41.22:T/11036 Presowing treatment of tomato seeds with the purpose of increasing their drought resistance and yielding capacity = (Predposevnaya obrabotka semyan tomatov s tselʹyu povysheniya zasukhoustoichivosti i urozhainosti) / 1
C 41.22:T/11037 Study of permeability and runoff on detrital chestnut soil by the sprinkling method = (Izuchenie vodopronitsaemosti i stoka na shchebnistykh kashtanovykh pochvakh po metody iskusstvennogo dozhdevaniya) / 1
C 41.22:T/11038 Sex determination in the vine according to certain biochemical characteristics = (Opredelenie pola rastenii vinograda po nekotorym biokhimicheskim pokazatelyam) / 1
C 41.22:T/11039 Periodicity and rhythm of growth in Mediterranean pines as sign of their relationship = (Periodichnostʹ i ritm rosta sredizemnomorskikh sosen kak priznak rodstvennoi svyazi ikh mezhdu soboi) / 1
C 41.22:T/11041 Material on the origin of winter barley = (Materialy k voprosu o proiskhozhdenii ozimogo yachmenya) / 1
C 41.22:T/11042 Investigation of spontaneous variability in pure lines of Hordeum = (Izuchenie spontannoi izmenchivosti chistykh linii Hordeum) / 1
C 41.22:T/11043 The amino-nitrogen content of gliadin : (the length of peptide chains in the protein molecule) = O soderzhanii aminnogo azota v gliadine : (k voprosu o dline peptidnykh tsepei belkovoi molekuly) / 1
C 41.22:T/11044 On the so-called reserve albumin of seeds = O tak nazyvaemykh zapasnykh belkakh semyan / 1
C 41.22:T/11045 Electrophoretic analysis of dog serum proteins = (Elektroforeticheskoe izuchenie belkov syvorotki krovi sobaki) / 1
C 41.22:T/11046 Effect of the introduction of heterogenic blood in hens upon their offspring = (Vliyanie vvedeniya chuzerodnoi krovi kuram na ikh potomstvo) / 1
C 41.22:T/11047 The effect of night feeding on egg production in hens = (Vliyanie nochnogo kormleniya na yaitsenoskostʹ kur) / 1
C 41.22:T/11048 Autolytic changes in ground muscle tissue = (Avtoliticheskie izmeneniya v izmelʹchennoi myshechnoi tkani) / 1
C 41.22:T/11049 The Use of an electric current for accelerating the salting of meat = (Primenenie elektrotoda dlya uskoreniya posolu myasa) / 1
C 41.22:T/11050 Increasing reliability of electrical power supply to rural consumers = (O povyshenii nadezhnosti elektrosnabzheniya selʹskikh potrebitelei) / 1