Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 41.22:T/21136 Errors of a method = (Oshibki odnoĭ metodiki) / 1
C 41.22:T/21138 The development of soil science in the USSR in forty years = (Razvitie pochvovedeniya v SSSR za 40 let) / 1
C 41.22:T/21139 The question of the present-day position of the problem on the systematics and classification of soils = (K voprosu o sovremennom sostoyanii problemy sistematiki i klassifikatsii pochv) / 1
C 41.22:T/21140 A new soil map of China = (Novaya pochvennaya karta Kitaya) / 1
C 41.22:T/21141 Development of the science of soil water in the USSR = (Razvitie ucheniya o pochvennoĭ vlage v SSSR) / 1
C 41.22:T/21142 The question of the origin of a "dead" horizon and of the different types of water regime in soils possessing a water impermeable layer = (K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii "mertvogo" gorizonta i o raznovidnostyakh nepromyvnogo tipa vodnogo rezhima pochv) / 1
C 41.22:T/21143 Testing of a new apparatus for measuring the true amount of soil evaporation = (Ispytanie novogo pribora dlya izmereniya istinnoĭ velichiny pochvennogo ispareniya) / 1
C 41.22:T/21145 The viability of pine pollen under various storage conditions = (Zhisnesposobnostʹ pylʹtsy sosny pri raznykh sposobakh khraneniya) / 1
C 41.22:T/21147 Discussion on problems of soil consolidation and of shearing resistance of soils = Diskussiya po voprosam uplotneniya zemlyanykh mass i soprotivleniya gruntov sdvigu / 1
C 41.22:T/21149 A study of reflecting properties of arboreal species = (Izuchenie otrazhatelʹnoǐ sposobnosti drevesnykh porod) / 1
C 41.22:T/21152 Seepage of water from canals in loess formations and subsidence phenomena in irrigated areas = (Fil'tratsiya vody iz kanalov v lessovykh porodakh i prosadochyne yavleniya na oroshaemykh uchastkakh) / 1
C 41.22:T/21155 Determination of external forces acting on the KP-3 cultivator in operation = (Opredelenie znacheniǐ vneshnikh sil, deǐstvuyushchikh na kulʹtivator KP-3 v rabote) / 1
C 41.22:T/21159 Principles of engineering calculations for loess soils deformation under irrigation installations = Osnovy inzhenernykh raschetov deformatsii lessovykh gruntov pod irrigatsionnymi sooruzheniyami / 1
C 41.22:T/21165 Pests and diseases of vegetable crops / 1
C 41.22:T/21221 Research into the yearly cycle in the growth of woody plants with special reference to photoperiodism in seedlings of the European larch (Larix Europaea D.C.) = Badania rocznej rytmiki rozwojowej rośliny drzewiastej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem reakcji fotoperiodycznej siewek modrzewia europejskiego (Larix europaea D.C.) / 1
C 41.22:T/21222 Studies on the treatment of ascariasis in hens = (Badania nad terapią glistnicy kur) / 1
C 41.22:T/21223 The influence of iron on the blood pattern in normal hens and those artificially infected with fowl cholera = (Wpływ żelaza na obraz krwi kur zdrowych oraz zakażonych sztucznie cholerą drobiu) / 1
C 41.22:T/21224 First experimental home on the state farm of Babsk = (Pierwszy eksperymentalny dom mieszkalny w PGR Babsk) / 1
C 41.22:T/21225 Parasitic worms of swine and wild boars in Poland = Robaki pasożytnicze świń i dzików w Polsce / 1
C 41.22:T/21226 A study of the morphology and developmental cycle of the European form of Strongyloides ransomi Schwarz and Alicata, 1930 = Badania nad morfologia i cyklem rozwojowym europejskiej formy węgorka świńskiego Strongyloides ransomi Schwarz et Alicata, 1930 / 1