C 51.2-4:718-1-11/96
FCC data files on microfiche. |
1 |
C 51.2-4:767 12/84
State technical assistance centers and federal technical information centers available to U.S. businesses, 1985. |
1 |
C 51.2-4:771-1/
Data files on floppy diskette available from the National Technical Information Service. |
1 |
C 51.2-4:790/
Data files produced by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. |
1 |
C 51.2-4:791/989
Catalog of data files : from the National Center for Health Services Research / |
1 |
C 51.2-4:838
Centerline : the newsletter of the Federal Computer Products Center. |
1 |
C 51.2/4:847/989
Search guide to the Federal Research in Progress database : FEDRIP on DIALOG : including database coverage, field hints, searching specifics. |
1 |
C 51.2-4:910
Legal texts Russia & independent states : List of recently enacted commercial laws & regulations, Winter 1993 / |
1 |
C 51.2:97025328
New training packages for your fire and emergency services classroom |
1 |
C 51.2:AB 8
It's tough to get new ideas : but it's a lot easier with abstract newsletters. |
1 |
C 51.2:Ab 8
It's tough to get new ideas : but it's a lot easier with abstract newsletters. |
1 |
C 51.2:AD 763 699
Defense Nuclear Agency Reaction Rate Handbook |
1 |
C 51.2:AL 2
NTIS Alerts is the answer : every day brings fresh developments & applications--but how can you keep up? |
1 |
C 51.2:B 96
Business highlights. |
1 |
C 51.2:C 26
NTIS presents the case of the hidden research report. |
1 |
C 51.2:C 49/4
C 51.2:C 49/5
C 51.2:C 49/6
C 51.2:C 68
C 51.2:C 73/2
Computer product selections. |
1 |