Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-40 An Atlas of demersal fish and invertebrate community structure in the eastern Bering Sea. 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-41 A single species, biomass based, time dependent model for investigating the effects of fishing on the dynamics of fish biomass / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-42 Condition of groundfish resources of the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1982 / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-43 Potential use of the Andersen-Ursin multispecies Beverton and Holt model for modelling North Pacific fish interactions / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-44 Spawning of twelve groundfish species in the Alaska and Pacific Coast regions, 1975-81 / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-45 Instructions for conducting a census of bowhead whales from ice-based observation sites near Point Barrow, Alaska / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-46 Report of the Second Interorganization Bowhead Whale Research Planning and Technical Coordination Meeting, 15-16 December 1982 / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-48 Bottom trawl survey of canary rockfish (Sebastes pinninger), yellowtail rockfish (S. flavidus), bocaccio (S. paucispinis), and chilipepper (S. goodei) off Washington-California, 1980 / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-50 A numerical simulation model of the population dynamics of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas 1811), in a simplified ecosystem / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-51 Changes in relative abundance and size composition of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) in coastal waters of California, 1980-82 / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-52 Condition of groundfish resources of the Gulf of Alaska in 1982 / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-53 Condition of groundfish resources of the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1983 / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-54 Food habits literature of North Pacific marine fishes : a review and selected bibliography / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-55 Data report : 1978 bottom trawl survey of eastern Bering Sea groundfish / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS F/NWC-56 A data analysis system for monitoring the seaward migration of juvenile salmonids in the Snake-Columbia River system / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-F/NWC-187 Status and future of spring chinook salmon in the Columbia River Basin--conservation and enhancement 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-F/NWC-191 Survey of subsistence fish and shellfish for exposure to oil spilled from the Exxon Valdez first year, 1989 / 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-F/NWC-192 Effect of washing on the stability of walleye pollock surimi during frozen storage 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-F/NWC-195 Status review for Snake River sockeye salmon 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-F/NWC-198 Determining minimum viable populations under the Endangered Species Act 1