C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-30
Distribution and habitat of adult salmon in the Situk River, Alaska potential impacts of flooding from Russell Fiord / |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-31
The groundfish resources of the Aleutian Islands region and southern Bering Sea, 1980, 1983, and 1986 |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-32
Calorimetry measurements of energy value of some Alaskan fishes and squids |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS AFSC-34
Results of the 1990 U.S.-U.S.S.R. cooperative bottom trawl survey of the eastern and northwestern Bering Sea continental shelf |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-35
Relative abundance and size composition of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) in the coastal waters of California and southern Oregon, 1984-1991 |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-36
Variations in mean stomach content weights of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the Eastern Bering Sea |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-37
A bioenergetics model of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the Eastern Bering Sea structure and documentation / |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-38
Movements and behavior of satellite-tagged spotted seals (Phoca largha) in the Bering and Chukchi Seas |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-39
Assessment of Gulf of Alaska sablefish and other groundfish species based on the 1988 National Marine Fisheries Service Longline Survey |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-40
Relative abundance of Gulf of Alaska sablefish and other groundfish based on the domestic longline survey, 1989 |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-41
Results of the 1991 U.S.-U.S.S.R. cooperative bottom trawl survey of the eastern and western Bering Sea continental shelf |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-43
Comparisons of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, harvest to Steller sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus, abundance in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS AFSC-47
Status of the coastal Pacific whiting resource in 1993 |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-50
Two demersal trawl surveys in the Gulf of Alaska implications of survey design and methods / |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-52
Echo integration-trawl survey of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the southeast Aleutian basin during February and March, 1994 |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-53
Distribution of neustonic sablefish larvae and associated ichthyoplankton in the eastern Gulf of Alaska, May 1990 |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-55
Incidental catches of salmonids in the 1991 north Pacific squid driftnet fisheries |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-56
An evaluation of North Pacific Groundfish Observer Program methods of haul weight estimation |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-58
Bycatch, utilization, and discards in the commercial groundfish fisheries of the Gulf of Alaska, eastern Bering Sea, and Aleutian Islands |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-60
Diets of the important groundfishes in the Aleutian Islands in summer 1991 |
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