C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-193
Essential fish habitat source document. |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-195
A large marine ecosystem voluntary environmental management system approach to fisheries practices |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-196
Essential fish habitat source document. |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-198
Essential fish habitat source document. |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-199
Distribution and abundance of fish eggs collected during the GLOBEC broad-scale Georges Bank surveys, 1995-1999 / |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-200
Essential fish habitat source document. |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-202
Evaluation of northern right whale ship strike reduction measures in the Great South Channel of Massachusetts |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-203
Essential fish habitat source document. |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-204
An evaluation of the northeast region's study fleet pilot program and electronic logbook system phases I and II / |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-206
Growth of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) in recirculating aquaculture systems |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-207
Analysis of Atlantic sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) fishery impacts on the North Atlantic population of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-208
Global applications of the Large Marine Ecosystem concept 2007-2010 / |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-209
Impacts to marine fisheries habitat from nonfishing activities in the northeastern United States |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-211
Trends in selected Northeast Region marine industries |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-212
Summary of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) bycatch and levels of compliance in the northeast and mid-Atlantic gillnet fisheries after the implementation of the Take Reduction Plan, 1 January 1999-31 May 2007 |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-214
Mortality and serious injury determinations for baleen whale stocks along the United States and Canadian eastern seaboards, 2004-2008 |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-215
Atlantic sturgeon research techniques |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-216
The trophic dynamics of 50 finfish and 2 squid species on the northeast US continental shelf |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-217
General trends and interannual variability in prey selection by larval cod and haddock from the southern flank of Georges Bank, May 1993-1999 |
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C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-218
NEUS--Atlantis construction, calibration, and application of an ecosystem model with ecological interactions, physiographic conditions, and fleet behavior / |
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