C 55.13/2:NWS FCST-17
National Weather Service, May 1970-April 1971 public forecast verification summary / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS FCST-20
National Weather Service heavy snow forecast verification 1962-1972 / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS FCST-21
National Weather Service, April 1972 to March 1973 public forecast verification summary / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS FCST-23
Low-level wind shear : a critical review / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS FCST-24
Probability forecasting : reasons, procedures, problems / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS FCST-25
National Weather Service public forecast verification summary, April 1973 to March 1978 / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS FCST-26
1980 watch/warning verification : flash flood, winter storm and high wind / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS FCST-27
National Weather Service 1981 watch/warning verification : flash flood, winter storm, and high wind / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS FCST-28
National Weather Service public forecast verification summary, April 1978 to March 1982 / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS FCST-29
Public response to hurricane probability forecasts / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS FCST-30
1982 and 1983 watch/warning verification : flash flood, winter storm and high wind / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS FCST-31
A 20-year summary of National Weather Service verification results for temperature and precipitation / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS HYDRO-16/2
A dynamic model of stage-discharge relations affected by changing discharge / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS HYDRO-17
National Weather Service river forecast system : snow accumulation and ablation model / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS HYDRO-18
Numerical properties of implicit four-point finite difference equations of unsteady flow / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS HYDRO-25
The use of a multizone hydrologic model with distributed rainfall and distributed parameters in the National Weather Service River Forecast System / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS HYDRO-30
Meteor burst communication system : Alaska winter field test program / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS HYDRO-34
Annotated bibliography of NOAA publications of hydrometeorological interest / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS HYDRO-35
Five- to 60-minute precipitation frequency for the eastern and central United States / |
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C 55.13/2:NWS HYDRO-38
Improvement of hydrologic simulation by utilizing observed discharge as an indirect input : (computed hydrograph adjustment technique - CHAT) / |
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