C 55.13:NESDIS 109
Description of the system to nowcast salinity, temperature, and sea nettle (Chrysaora quinquecirrha) presence in Chesapeake Bay using the Curvilinear Hydrodynamics in 3-Dimensions (CH3D) model |
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C 55.13:NESDIS 110
An algorithm for correction of navigation errors in AMSU-A data |
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C 55.13:NESDIS 111
An algorithm for correction of lunar contamination in AMSU-A data |
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C 55.13:NESDIS 112
Sampling errors of the global mean sea level derived from TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry |
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C 55.13:NESDIS 114
Satellite rainfall estimation over South America an evaluation of two major events / |
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C 55.13:NESDIS 115
Imager and sounder radiance and product validations for the GOES-12 science test |
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C 55.13:NESDIS 116
Microwave humidity sounder calibration algorithm |
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C 55.13:NESDIS 123
Comparing two sets of noisy measurements |
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C 55.13:NESDIS 124
Calibration of the advanced microwave sounding unit-A for NOAA-N' |
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C 55.13:NESDIS 132
Assessing errors in altimetric and other bathymetry grids |
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C 55.13:NESDIS 142-1-NESDIS 142-9
Regional climate trends and scenarios for the U.S. National Climate Assessment / |
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C 55.13:NESIDS 108
Analytic formulas for the aliasing of sea level samples by a single exact-repeat altimetric satellite or a coordinated constellation of satellites |
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C 55.13:NESS 55
The use of satellite-observed cloud patterns in northern hemisphere 500-mb numerical analysis / |
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C 55.13:NESS-55
The use of satellite-observed cloud patterns in northern hemisphere 500-mb numerical analysis / |
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C 55.13:NESS 57
Table of scattering function of infrared radiation for water clouds / |
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C 55.13:NESS-57
Table of scattering function of infrared radiation for water clouds / |
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C 55.13:NESS 59
Temperature sounding from satellites / |
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C 55.13:NESS-60
Satellite measurements of aerosol backscattered radiation from the Nimbus F Earth Radiation Budget Experiment / |
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C 55.13:NESS 61
The measurement of atmospheric transmittance from sun and sky with an infrared vertical sounder / |
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C 55.13:NESS-61
The measurement of atmospheric transmittance from sun and sky with an infrared vertical sounder / |
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