Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 55.2/2:C 61 An experiment in the application of climate forecasts : NOAA-OGP activities related to the 1997-98 El Niño event / 1
C 55.2/2:EL 2 Atmospheric electricity / 1
C 55.2/2:El 67/ International Forum on Forecasting El Niño : Launching an International Research Institute, 6-8 November 1995. 1
C 55.2/2:In 8 Inventory of natural hazards data resources in the Federal Government / 1
C 55.2/2:L 78 Local strategies for addressing climate change / 1
C 55.2/2:M 33 Marine geotechnical program of the Marine Geology and Geophysics Laboratory : Atlanta Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / 1
C 55.2/2: M 56 Computer processing of meteorological data / 1
C 55.2/2: M 56/1 Automatic processing and verification of meteorological observations (proceedings of the International Symposium of Hydrometeorologists from the Socialist Countries) = Avtomaticheskaya proverka i ispravlenie dannykh meteorologicheskikh nablyudenii (materialy mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma spetsialistov gidrometsluzhb sotsialisticheskikh stran) / 1
C 55.2/2:M 56/1 Automatic processing and verification of meteorological observations (proceedings of the International Symposium of Hydrometeorologists from the Socialist Countries) = Avtomaticheskaya proverka i ispravlenie dannykh meteorologicheskikh nablyudenii (materialy mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma spetsialistov gidrometsluzhb sotsialisticheskikh stran) / 1
C 55.2/2: P 91 Long-term fluctuations of atmospheric precipitation. and computation of precipitation averages = Mnogoletnie kolebaniya atmosfernykh osadkov i vychislenie norm osadkov / 1
C 55.2/2:P 94 U.S. CLIVAR : the U.S. contribution to the Program on Climate Variability and Predictability. 1
C 55.2/2:Sci 27 Connecting science, policy, and decision-making : a handbook for researchers and science agencies / 1
C 55.2/2:SH 7 Who's minding the shore? : a citizens' guide to coastal management / 1
C 55.2/2: Sn 6 Snowfall and snow transport during snowstorms over the USSR = (Perenosy snega pri metelyakh i snegopady na territorii SSSR) / 1
C 55.2/2:Sp 1 Space-based remote sensing of the earth : a report to the Congress / 1
C 55.2/2:Sy 8 Multipurpose land information systems : the guidebook / 1
C 55.2/2:Un 3 Proceedings of the U.S. CLIVAR Atlantic conference : 12-14 June 2001, Boulder, Colorado. 1
C 55.2/2:V 82 The vision, a rededication of NOAA : the U.S. Global Change Program : a report of the NOAA Panel on Climate and Change. 1
C 55.2/2: W 29 Determination of the water equivalent of snow cover methods and equipment = Issledovani︠i︡a metodov, apparatury i tochnosti opredeleni︠i︡a zapasov vody v snezhnom pokrove / 1
C 55.2/3:G 51 Global seafloor topography measured & estimated from gravity data derived from satellite altimetry and shipboard depth soundings : a full color poster / 1