Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 55.2:H 94/3/973  
C 55.2:H 94/3/977 Some devastating North Atlantic hurricanes of the 20th century. 1
C 55.2:H 94/3/982 Some devastating North Atlantic hurricanes of the 20th century. 1
C 55.2:H 94/4 Hurricane : the greatest storm on earth / 1
C 55.2:H 94/4/977 Hurricane : the greatest storm on earth / 1
C 55.2:H 94/5/982 Hawaiian hurricanes and safety measures with central Pacific tracking chart. 1
C 55.2:H 94/6 "Hurricane!", a familiarization booklet. 1
C 55.2:H 94/6/993 Hurricane! : a familiarization booklet. 1
C 55.2:H 94/7/ Minutes, ... annual Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference 1
C 55.2:H 94/7/997 Minutes 51st Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, March 24-28, 1997, the Crowne Plaza, Miami, Florida. 1
C 55.2:H 94/8 Hurricane flooding : a deadly inland danger : think inland flooding. 1
C 55.2:H 94/11/SPAN Seguridad de tiempo huracanes. 1
C 55.2:H 94/12 The three 'io brothers and the big bad hurricane / 2
C 55.2:H 94/13/ ... HFIP R & D activities summary. 1
C 55.2:H 94/981 Survival in a hurricane. 1
C 55.2:H 99 The hydrologic cycle / 1
C 55.2:H 99/3 HSRP most wanted hydrographic services improvements. 1
C 55.2:H94/4 Hurricane : the greatest storm on earth / 1
C 55.2:IN 3/2 NOAA information technology systems plan. 1
C 55.2:In 3/2 NOAA information technology systems plan. 1