Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 55.22/3:OC 2 Every act counts : the ocean is not a dance floor. 1
C 55.22/3:OI 5 How successful was removing eight year old oil? / 1
C 55.22/3:P 69/GRIDDED Planet ocean gridded for lesson. 1
C 55.22/3:P 69/LABELED Planet ocean. 1
C 55.22/3:P 76 Feeding variation of Walleye pollock and Pacific herring in Prince William Sound, fall 1994-95 / 1
C 55.22/3:P 93 Pristane: predictor of salmon recruitment? / 1
C 55.22/3:R 25 International Year of the Reef 2008 / 1
C 55.22/3:R 25/2 Coral reef food web / 1
C 55.22/3:R 25/3 Every act counts : don't drag the reef into this. 1
C 55.22/3:R 52 Rivers to reefs : coastal ecosystems of the Southeastern United States. 1
C 55.22/3:SA 3 Long-term persistence of PAH and long-term damage to pink salmon following the Exxon Valdez oil spill / 1
C 55.22/3:SA 3/2 The Exxon Valdez oil spill and pink salmon / 1
C 55.22/3:SA 3/3 Embryonic exposure to PAHs has life long effects on pink salmon / 1
C 55.22/3:SA 3/4 Straying of pink salmon : estimating pink salmon escapement / 1
C 55.22/3:SA 3/5 Pink salmon spawning habitat recovery after the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill / 1
C 55.22/3:SE 1 Sea monsters in the sand : life on and under the sea floor at Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary. 1
C 55.22/3:SH 8 Are spot shrimp recovering in Prince William Sound a decade after the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill? / 1
C 55.22/3:SO 8 The international bathymetric chart of the southern ocean (IBCSO) / 1
C 55.22/3:T 41/GULL Threatened and thriving in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary : northern right whale and western sea gull / 1
C 55.22/3:T 41/OTTER Threatened and thriving in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary : southern sea otter and giant kelp / 1