Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 55.281/2-2:G 51/980-95/CD Global gridded upper air statistics, 1980-1995 1
C 55.281/2-2:IM 1 Technical documentation with imagery and digital data NOAA polar orbiter data user's guide (August 1997) and NOAA global vegetation index user's guide (July 1997) / 1
C 55.281/2-2:IM 1/2/CD NOAA KLM user's guide 1
C 55.281/2-2:M 56/v.1-12/CD MM4 -- 1990 meteorology data [prototype] / 1
C 55.281/2-2:R 11/ Radiosonde data of North America [computer file] 1
C 55.281/2-2:SA 8/CD ISCCP, central archive, catalog of data and products 1
C 55.281/2-2:SN 6/V.1-3/CD United States snow climatology 1
C 55.281/2-2:T 75/CD Global tropical/extratropical cyclone climatic atlas 1
C 55.281/2-3: U.S. divisional and station climatic data and normals. 1
C 55.281/2-4: Cooperative summary of the day TD 3200, period of record through ... / 1
C 55.281/2-5: NOAA weather charts. 1
C 55.281/2-6: NOAA weather charts. 1
C 55.281/2-7: NOAA weather charts. 1
C 55.281/2:977-91 Global daily summary temperature and precipitation, 1977-1991. 1
C 55.281/4: Trackline geophysical data. 1
C 55.281:Ai 7/ Climate of the upper air : Southern Hemisphere / 1
C 55.281:Al 1 s/988/ Climatic atlas of the outer continental shelf waters and coastal regions of Alaska / 1
C 55.281:Al 1K/ Climatic atlas of the outer continental shelf waters and coastal regions of Alaska / 1
C 55.281:Al 1K/v.1-3 Climatic atlas of the outer continental shelf waters and coastal regions of Alaska / 1
C 55.281:AN 7/ Annual report. 1