Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
C 55.324:98 | Trawl catches and oceanographic data from NMFS surveys of the Gulf of Alaska pandalid shrimp resources, 1973 / | 1 |
C 55.324:100 | Distribution and abundance of macroinvertebrate species of six phyla in Tampa Bay, Florida, 1963-64 and 1969 / | 1 |
C 55.324:102 | Concentration of dissolved gases in the Willamette, Cowlitz, and Boise Rivers, 1970-72 / | 1 |
C 55.325: |
Translated tables of contents of current foreign fishery and oceanography publications. Translated tables of contents of current foreign fisheries, oceanographic, and atmospheric publications. |
2 |
C 55.325/2: | Received or planned current foreign fisheries, oceanographic, and atmospheric translations. | 1 |
C 55.325/3: | Survey of foreign fisheries, oceanographic, and atmospheric literature. | 1 |
C 55.325/4: |
Survey of foreign fisheries, translated tables of contents, and new translations Survey of foreign fisheries, translated tables of contents, and new translations. |
2 |
C 55.326:80-11 | Population data, collection procedures, and management of the northern fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus, of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska / | 1 |
C 55.326:Sn 1 | The Snake River salmon and steelhead crisis, its relation to dams and the national energy crisis / | 1 |
C 55.327: |
The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 annual report. Administration of the Marine mammal protection act of 1972. The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 annual report |
5 |
C 55.327/3: | U.S. Pacific marine mammal stock assessments. | 1 |
C 55.327/3-2: |
U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico marine mammal stock assessments. U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico marine mammal stock assessments |
2 |
C 55.327/3-3: |
Alaska marine mammal stock assessments. Alaska marine mammal stock assessments |
3 |
C 55.328:An 2 | Final environmental impact statement on the fishery management plan for the northern anchovy fishery / | 1 |
C 55.328:At 6/final x | Final environmental impact statement/fishery management plan for the Atlantic mackerel fishery of the northwest Atlantic Ocean : supplement number 1 / | 1 |
C 55.328:F 53/2/final/draft/supp./x | Draft supplement to the final environmental impact statement/ preliminary fishery management plan for Pacific billfish and oceanic sharks. | 1 |
C 55.328:F 53/final | Final fishery management plan for the Atlantic herring fishery of the northwest Atlantic / | 1 |
C 55.328:G 882/final/final supp./x | Supplement to the final environmental impact statement and amendment to the Atlantic groundfish management plan : cod (Gadus morhua), yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) : final / | 1 |
C 55.328:H 31/supp | Proposed designation of critical habitat for the Hawaiian monk seal in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands. | 1 |
C 55.328:M 19/draft | Environmental impact statement on the fishery management plan for the jack mackerel fishery / | 1 |