C 55.352:20-02
Comparative studies of the catch loss of longfin inshore squid when using the TI cable grid in the bottom trawl fishery / |
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C 55.352:20-07
Final report of Red Hake Stock Structure Working Group / |
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C 55.352:21-03
Economic profile for American lobster (Homarus Americanus) fleets in the northeastern United States / |
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C 55.352:21-06
Evaluating otolith growth patterns to discriminate among subpopulations of Northwest Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) : applicability of a new model to NEFSC bottom trawl survey samples / |
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C 55.352:22-04
Update on the spatial distribution of butterfish, 1982-2019 / |
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C 55.352:89-01
An economics review of North Atlantic salmon restoration : U.S. fair share working papers / |
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C 55.352:89-02
TEMPEST : a computer program for estimating temperature on the Northeast Continental Shelf / |
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C 55.352:89-05
Expendable bathythermograph observations and continuous plankton records from the NMFS/Ship of Opportunity Program for 1988 |
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C 55.352:89-06
Report of water masses receiving wastes from ocean dumping at the 106-mile dumpsite, 1 October 1987 through 30 September 1988, with additional summary for calendar year 1988 / |
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C 55.352:92-05
The right whale in the western North Atlantic a science and management workshop, 14-15 April 1992, Silver Spring, Maryland / |
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C 55.352:94-12
Estimation of standardized otter trawl effort, landings per unit effort, and landings at age for Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank cod |
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C 55.352:95-11
Water-column thermal structure in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine for 1993 and 1994 |
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C 55.352:96-04
Update on abundance of Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy harbor porpoises |
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C 55.352:97-01
Preliminary results of a spatial and temporal analysis of Haddock distribution applying a generalized additive model / |
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C 55.352:B 99/
Estimates of cetacean and pinniped bycatch in the ... Northeast sink gillnet and Mid-Atlantic coastal gillnet fisheries / |
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C 55.352:D 63/
A brief description of Greater Atlantic Region fish and invertebrate discard estimation for the ... update to the National Bycatch Report. |
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C 55.352:G 91/
Operational assessment of ... northeast groundfish stocks, updated through ... / |
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C 55.352:IN 5/
Serious injury determinations for small cetaceans and pinnipeds caught in commercial fisheries off the Northeast U.S. coast. |
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C 55.353:
USCG vessels. |
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C 55.354:
Voices oral history archives. |
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