Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 55.36:ERL GLERL-20 Great Lakes precipitation by months, 1900-80 / 1
C 55.36:ERL GLERL-21 Grain-size distributions in Lake Michigan, 1977-81 / 1
C 55.36:ERL GLERL-22 Great Lakes hydrometeorological station directory / 1
C 55.36:ERL GLERL-23 Lake Michigan suspended sediment characteristics at Grand Haven, Michigan, 1979 / 1
C 55.36:ERL GLERL-24 A computerized ice concentration data base for the Great Lakes / 1
C 55.36:ERL GLERL-25 Lake Superior bathythermograph data, 1973-79 / 1
C 55.36:ERL GLERL-26 Great Lakes monthly hydrologic data / 1
C 55.36:ERL GLERL-27 Freeze-up, breakup, and date of maximum ice thickness for the St. Lawrence River, 1971-81 / 1
C 55.36:ERL GLERL-29 Great Lakes degree-day and winter severity index update : 1897-1983 / 1
C 55.36:ERL GLERL 66  
C 55.36:ERL GLERL-66 An evaluation of Great Lakes hydraulic routing models / 1
C 55.36:ERL MESA-27 MESA New York Bight project : expanded water column characterization cruise (XWCC 8) : NOAA ship George B. Kelez, April 1976 / 1
C 55.36:ERL MESA-29 MESA New York Bight Project, expanded water column characterization cruise (XWCC 11) NOAA Ship Researcher, September 1976 / 1
C 55.36:ERL MESA-37/x MESA New York Bight Project : expanded water column characterization cruise (XWCC 14) NOAA Ship George B. Kelez, June-July 1977 / 1
C 55.36:ERL PMEL-1 CTD/O₂ measurements during the Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Study (EPOCS) in 1979 / 1
C 55.36:ERL PMEL-3/ Vertical sections of temperature, salinity, thermosteric anomaly and zonal geostrophic velocity from NORPAX shuttle experiment / 1
C 55.36:ERL PMEL-3/PT.1 Vertical sections of temperature, salinity, thermosteric anomaly and zonal geostrophic velocity from NORPAX shuttle experiment / 1
C 55.36:ERL PMEL-3/pt.1- Vertical sections of temperature, salinity, thermosteric anomaly and zonal geostrophic velocity from NORPAX shuttle experiment / 1
C 55.36:ERL PMEL-4 Hydrographic measurements during the 1978 cooperative Soviet-American Tsunami Expedition / 1
C 55.36:ERL PMEL-5 Vertical sections of temperature, salinity, thermosteric anomaly and zonal geostrophic velocity from NORPAX shuttle experiment / 1