Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 55.48:L 71/V.1- Directory of data sources for lithospheric investigations 1
C 55.48:M 33 The Directory of U.S. marine CD-ROMs. 1
C 55.48:M 56 Federal directory of mobile meteorological equipment and capabilities 1
C 55.48:SE 1 Sea Grant directory. 1
C 55.48:Se 1 Sea Grant directory. 1
C 55.49: NOAA estuary-of-the-month seminar series. 1
C 55.49:1 Narragansett Bay : issues, resources, status, and management : proceedings of a seminar held January 28, 1985, Washington, D.C. 1
C 55.49:2 Delaware Bay : issues, resources, status, and management : proceedings of a seminar held March 1, 1985, Washington, D.C. / 1
C 55.49/2:1 The Gulf of Maine : proceedings of a seminar held May 22, 1989, Washington, D.C. / 1
C 55.49/3:1 Synthesis of summer flounder habitat parameters 2
C 55.49/3:2: Technology and success in restoration, creation, and enhancement of Spartina alterniflora marshes in the United States 1
C 55.49/3:2/V.1-2 Technology and success in restoration, creation, and enhancement of Spartina alterniflora marshes in the United States 1
C 55.49/3:3 Bibliography of synthesis documents on selected coastal ocean topics / 1
C 55.49/3:4 Marine eutrophication review 2
C 55.49/3:5 Economic valuation of natural resources a handbook for coastal resource policymakers /
Economic valuation of natural resources a guidebook for coastal resource policymakers /
C 55.49/3:6 Methodologies and mechanisms for management of cumulative coastal environmental impacts 2
C 55.49/3:7 Forestry impacts on freshwater habitat of anadromous salmonids in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska requirements for protection and restoration / 2
C 55.49/3:8 Watershed restoration a guide for citizen involvement in California / 2
C 55.49/3:9 Atmospheric nutrient input to coastal areas reducing the uncertainties / 2
C 55.49/3:10 Harmful algal blooms in coastal waters options for prevention, control and mitigation / 1