C 57.2:F 76/2
Foreign industrial production, April 1978. |
1 |
C 57.2:F 84
Franchising in the economy. |
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C 57.2:F 84/
Franchising in the economy. |
1 |
C 57.2:H 89
U.S. Hungarian trade relations : documents for doing business / |
1 |
C 57.2:In 8/2
Foreign direct investment in the United States : 1976 transactions--all forms ; 1974-76 acquisitions, mergers and equity increases. |
1 |
C 57.2:J 27
Japan : a growth market for U.S. consumer products. |
1 |
C 57.2:J 27/2
U.S. export opportunities to Japan. |
1 |
C 57.2:L 53
The growth of selected leisure industries. |
1 |
C 57.2:L 97
Summary of information on lumber and wood products / |
1 |
C 57.2:M 31
A guide to federal data sources on manufacturing. |
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C 57.2:M 34
Market center shifts : movement of retail sales in selected standard metropolitan statistical areas. |
1 |
C 57.2:M 66
Minority markets. |
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C 57.2:M 66/2
Changing minority markets. |
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C 57.2:M 85
The motor vehicle leasing & rental industry : trends and prospects / |
1 |
C 57.2:N 69
Noise/vibration analysis and control equipment exhibition : market research summary. |
1 |
C 57.2:Om 1
Access to the Federal Government is available through the Ombudsman for business : information, guidance, counsel. |
1 |
C 57.2:P 94/3
Product Marketing Service : it gives you an office away from the office for doing business on the spot in many major markets around the world. |
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C 57.2:R 31
Department store retailing in an era of change / |
1 |
C 57.2:Se 5
A report on the U.S. semiconductor industry. |
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C 57.2:Sm 1
The use of commerce resources in small business market planning : case study, appliance store / |
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