C 60.10:83-138
A primer on integrated services digital networks (ISDN) : implications for future global communications / |
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C 60.10:83-139
The effect of bandwidth and interference rejection on the spectrum efficiency of land mobile radio systems / |
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C 60.10:84-140
Global maps of foF2 derived from observations and theoretical values / |
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C 60.10:84-141
Planning guide for the review of telecommunications systems for frequency availability and electromagnetic compatibility / |
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C 60.10:84-142
Locally optimum and suboptimum detector performance in a non-Gaussian interference environment / |
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C 60.10:84-143
Spectrum resource assessment in the 162-174 MHz frequency band / |
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C 60.10:84-144
Policy implications of information technology / |
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C 60.10:84-145
The evaluation of prediction models for microwave attenuation by rainfall / |
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C 60.10:84-146
NETWORK : a user-oriented, interactive, station-siting program for NOAA VHF weather radio / |
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C 60.10:84-147
A computer-based transmission monitor and control system / |
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C 60.10:84-148
Microwave terrestrial link rain attenuation prediction parameter analysis / |
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C 60.10:84-149
Atmospheric channel performance measurements at 10 to 100 GHz / |
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C 60.10:84-150
Modeling rain polarization effects to millimeter wave frequencies / |
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C 60.10:84-151
Measurements and predictions of HF ground wave radio propagation over irregular, inhomogeneous terrain / |
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C 60.10:84-153
Sample size and precision in communication performance measurements / |
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C 60.10:84-154
Optical fiber communications link design in compliance with systems performance standards / |
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C 60.10:84-156
Assessment of narrowband modulation technologies for government land mobile operations / |
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C 60.10:84-160
Spectrum resource assessment of the 1530 - 1660.5 MHz band / |
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C 60.10:84-163
Polarization angles of linearly polarized antennas and radio waves in satellite communications / |
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C 60.10:84-164
Earth station antenna sidelobe characteristics / |
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