Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 60.11:10-469 Derivations of relationships among field strength, power in transmitter-receiver circuits and radiation hazard limits 1
C 60.11:10-472 Relating audio and video quality using CIF video 1
C 60.11:78-1 Frequency/distance sharing criteria between non-directional beacons (NDB) and travelers information stations (TIS) in the 525-535 kHz band / 1
C 60.11:79-6 Electromagnetic compatibility of UHF land mobile receivers and the PAVE PAWS radar / 1
C 60.11:79-26 Spectrum resource assessment in the 1710-1850 MHz band / 1
C 60.11:84-103 Preliminary report on modeling interference field in a ducting environment. 1
C 60.11:85-108 Observations of MF sky waves monitored at Kingsville, Texas / 1
C 60.11:90-146  
C 60.11:91-150  
C 60.11:91-151  
C 60.11:92-154 Accommodation of Broadcast Satellite (Sound) and Mobile Satellite Services in the 2300-2450 MHz band 1
C 60.11:94-163  
C 60.11:95-166  
C 60.12: World's submarine telephone cable system
Biological effects of nonionizing electromagnetic radiation /
C 60.12:78-1 Statistical-physical models of man-made and natural radio noise : part III, first order probability models of the instantaneous amplitude of class B interference / 1
C 60.12:78-2 Statistical-physical models of man-made and natural radio noise : part IV, Determination of the first-order parameters of class A and B interference / 1
C 60.12:79-3 The initial growth and expanding opportunities of U.S. domestic satellite service / 1
C 60.12:79-4 Performance of telecommunications systems in the spectral-use environment / 1
C 60.12:80- Threshold signal reception in electromagnetic interference environments / 1
C 60.12:80-6 1980 world's submarine telephone cable systems. 1